
Identity Constraints
Used by

Table of Contents

Group by:

Resource hierarchy:

Main schema wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.xsd
Rev. 1.0.0, 2015-11-16


ist das zentrale Schema (Level-1) für die Übermittlung von Wasserdaten an die 
EUA. Es wird hier für Grundwasser benötigt.
Das Schema importiert fünf andere Schemata (Level-2), von denen jedes wiederum
ein Container-Schema (Level-3) importiert. Die Level-2-Schemata enthalten die
fachlichen Attribute mit min- und maxOccurs-Angaben, mithin Namen und die
Angabe, ob Pflicht oder Option. Die Typdefinitionen (String, Restriction etc.)
der fachlichen Attribute finden sich in den Level-3-Schemata, die am Ende
-TBL9xxx.xsd heißen.

Das zentrale Schema wurde am 2015-11-10 von der Eionet-Seite als "schema-dst-3163.xsd" geladen und
die inkludierten Schemata (mit der "Flatten Schema"-Funktion von oXygen XML) am
2015-11-16 in einem lokalen Verzeichnis gesammelt.

Dabei wurden von ENDA vernünftige, sachbezogene Bezeichner sowohl für das
zentrale Schema als auch für die Sub-Schemata vergeben.

Das originale Eionet-Schema ist syntaktisch nicht konform mit der W3C-Schema-
Spezifikation und wurde von ENDA daher korrigiert, ohne wasserfachliche
Änderungen vorzunehmen. (Fehlerhaft ist unter anderem, dass fünf Import-
Anweisungen auf ein und denselben Namespace ausgeführt werden.)

Die CDATA-Blöcke sind durchweg überflüssig, da sie keine zu expandierenden
Entities enthalten. Sie entstammen dem Originalschema des Eionet Data
Dictionary und wurden nicht entfernt, da das Originalschema so wenig wie
möglich geändert werden sollte. Wird das XML-Markup aus den CDATA-Blöcken bei
der automatisierten Erzeugung der HTML-Dokumentation entfernt, entfallen auch
die Zeilenumbrüche und die Dokumentation wird größtenteils unlesbar.
Daher musste dies unterbleiben. 

2015-11-16, M. Lüttgert, ENDA KG
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Imported schema enda-fix-for-wise-4.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Included schema wq-disaggregated-data-TBL9153.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Imported schema wq-disaggregated-data-container-schema-TBL9153.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Included schema wq-aggregated-data-TBL9323.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Imported schema wq-aggregated-data-container-schema-TBL9323.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Included schema wq-aggregated-data-by-water-body-TBL9324.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Imported schema wq-aggregated-data-by-water-body-container-schema-TBL9324.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Included schema wq-biology-eqr-data-TBL9325.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Imported schema wq-biology-eqr-data-container-schema-TBL9325.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Included schema wq-biology-eqr-classification-procedure-TBL9326.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Imported schema wq-biology-eqr-classification-procedure-container-schema-TBL9326.xsd
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
[ top ]
Element dd1:WISE-SoE_WaterQuality

Water quality in rivers, lakes and groundwater is reported under WISE-SoE using a harmonised data model. All determinands (nutrients, hazardous substances and supportive determinands) are coded using a unique identifier. The representation of values below the limit of quantification is identical for disaggregated data, data aggregated by monitoring site or data aggregated by water body for all water categories (rivers, lakes, groundwater) and for all determinands.

Raw data (i.e. sample values) is reported in the DisaggregatedData table.

Annually aggregated data, by monitoring site, is reported in the  AggregatedData table. This includes biological determinands that are not reported using Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) – for example chlorophyll a. 

Biological data reported as EQR values, in river or lake monitoring sites, is reported in the BiologyEQRData table. The BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure table provides information on the ecological status or ecological potential class boundaries for the EQR values.

Annually aggregated data, by water body, is reported in the AggregatedDataByWaterBody table.

The full list of determinands, and the indicative thresholds for "potentially high mean annual value" of selected nutrients (i.e. used to flag potential outliers in the quality control procedures), is available in

1. Coverage and reference period

The data should be derived from existing national or regional monitoring programs within each EEA Member Country.

Submit data collected up to the end of the previous year (e.g. in 2015, submit data collected until the end of 2014).

2. Data content

Reporting of disaggregated data (i.e. sample data) is preferred for all determinands in groundwater, rivers and lakes (except for biological EQR values, please see below). 

If disaggregated data is not available for reporting, then submit annually aggregated data, by monitoring site, using the AggregatedData table (i.e. for nutrients and selected biological determinands in rivers or lakes).

Annually aggregated data is accepted only for groundwater bodies and for selected determinands – nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and dissolved oxygen. Use the table AggregatedDataByWaterBody to report this data.

Use the BiologyEQRData table to report the annual mean value of biological Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) data in rivers or lakes and report the class boundaries values using the BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure table.

3. Data publication

Disaggregated data is preferred even where reporting of aggregated data is still acceptable (e.g. for hazardous substances in rivers or lakes; nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and dissolved oxygen in groundwater). Disaggregated data will not be published by EEA.

Data will be aggregated prior to publication in Waterbase. Annually aggregated data will be used as the basis of assessment in indicator factsheets or reports. 

4. Spatial reference data

The time series reported under the WISE SoE Water Quality data flow must be linked to a monitoring site (or to a groundwater body, for data aggregated by water body), using a unique identifier. The location, identification and characteristics of the spatial objects must be provided via the WISE Spatial data flow.

If a monitoring site or water body is reported also under the WFD, then use the WFD identifier as the unique identifier.

During the quality control procedures of the data reported under the WISE SoE Water Quality, the consistency of these identifiers will be checked against the spatial data already reported. (Please note that the spatial data does not have to be reported annually. However, updates to the spatial data (e.g. new monitoring sites, changes in the identifiers, etc.) should be reported.  

5. Values below the limit of quantification in disaggregated data

If, for a specific sample value, the measured concentration is below the limit of quantification, then report the limit of quantification value in the "Observed Value" field and report 'True' (or '1') in the boolean "Observed value below LOQ" field.

6. Values below the limit of quantification in annually aggregated data

When preparing annually aggregated data, sample concentrations below the limits of quantification must be treated in accordance to the QA/QC Directive (Commission directive 2009/90/EC of 31 July 2009 laying down, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status):

- If a sample concentration value is below the limit of quantification, then it must be replaced with a value equivalent to HALF THE LIMIT OF QUANTIFICATION value;

- If the calculated annual mean value of the measurements results is below the limit of quantification value, then report the limit of quantification value in the "resultMeanValue" field and report 'True' (or '1') in the boolean "resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ" field.

- Use the same rule when calculating and reporting the minimum, maximum and median values.

- If the samples in the calculation had different limits of quantification, then the highest of the different LOQ values must be used. 

7. Reporting data at water body level

The aggregation process should consist of two phases: first, calculate the annual mean value by monitoring site; then use the results to calculate the annual mean value by water body. Using this approach, the influence of different number of samples at monitoring site level is eliminated.

8. Decimal separators and precision of the reported data

Use a decimal point '.' as the decimal separator. Do not use a comma ','.

The general recommendation concerning the decimal precision is as follows:
- Use 1 to 3 decimal places in reporting nutrients (usually in milligrams per litre),
- Use 3 to 4 decimals places in reporting hazardous substances (usually in micrograms per litre).

9. Other recommendations

If disaggregated data is reported, then do NOT report redundant aggregated data.

Please provide long time series without gaps and as complete a geographic coverage as possible. 

10. Reporting format and delivery

Use the reporting templates (MS Excel, XML schemas or MS Access) and these specifications when formatting and collating the data delivery. The templates can be downloaded from the data dictionary.

Data can be delivered in XML files or in MS Excel file format. Please do not use formulas in MS Excel files and do not rename the worksheets or column names. The file name can be renamed.

Delivery can be split into a multiple files if necessary. All the files must, however, be uploaded to the same envelope.

Upload the data files to the Central Data Repository at

A WISE SoE Water Quality folder will be created by the EEA under your country’s collection.

If you have any questions about the format and content of the data request please contact WISE-SoE helpdesk, e-mail:]]>
  <![CDATA[July 2015]]>
  <![CDATA[Data on water quality.]]>
  <![CDATA[water quality]]>
  <![CDATA[WISE SoE - Water Quality (WISE-4)]]>
  <![CDATA[Data on water quality in rivers, lakes and groundwater reported by countries within WISE-SoE reporting.]]>
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#DisaggregatedData wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#AggregatedData wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#AggregatedDataByWaterBody wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#BiologyEQRData wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure
content complex
Children AggregatedData, AggregatedDataByWaterBody, BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure, BiologyEQRData, DisaggregatedData
<dd1:WISE-SoE_WaterQuality xmlns:dd1="" xmlns:dd791="">
[ top ]
Element DisaggregatedData
  <![CDATA[water quality]]>
  <![CDATA[Sample data by monitoring site]]>
  <![CDATA[Raw disaggregated water quality data on the observed values (e.g. concentrations) of determinands in rivers, lakes and groundwater as reported by EEA Member Countries on an annual basis.
  <![CDATA[Raw disaggregated data on the observed values (e.g. concentrations) of determinands.]]>
  <![CDATA[Disaggregated data should be reported for hazardous substances in rivers or lakes and for all determinands in groundwater.

Each record in this table must have a unique combination of the values in the fields "monitoringSiteIdentifier", "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme", "observedPropertyDeterminandCode", "procedureAnalysedFraction", "procedureAnalysedMedia" and "phenomenonTimeSamplingDate". 

The monitoring site is uniquely identified by combination of values in the fields "monitoringSiteIdentifier" and "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme". 
The monitoring site identifier should be present in the list of monitoring sites ( that is kept updated with the data reported under the WISE Spatial Data and/or the WFD 2016 Spatial data flows.

Select the adequate unit of measure according to the type of the determinand.

If the measured concentration is below the limit of quantification, then report the limit of quantification value in the "Observed Value" field and report 'True' in the boolean "resultQualityObservedValueBelowLOQ" field.

Fields "procedureAnalyticalMethod" and "parameterSampleDepth" are mandatory for rivers and lakes data.]]>
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#DisaggregatedData_Row
content complex
Used by
Children Row
<DisaggregatedData xmlns="">
  <Row status="">{1,unbounded}</Row>
[ top ]
Element DisaggregatedData / Row
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#DisaggregatedData_DisaggregatedData_Row_status wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#monitoringSiteIdentifier wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterWaterBodyCategory wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#observedPropertyDeterminandCode wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#procedureAnalysedFraction wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#procedureAnalysedMedia wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultUom wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#phenomenonTimeSamplingDate wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultObservedValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultQualityObservedValueBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#procedureLOQValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#procedureAnalyticalMethod wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterSampleDepth wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultObservationStatus wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#Remarks
content complex
minOccurs 1
maxOccurs unbounded
Children Remarks, monitoringSiteIdentifier, monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme, observedPropertyDeterminandCode, parameterSampleDepth, parameterWaterBodyCategory, phenomenonTimeSamplingDate, procedureAnalysedFraction, procedureAnalysedMedia, procedureAnalyticalMethod, procedureLOQValue, resultObservationStatus, resultObservedValue, resultQualityObservedValueBelowLOQ, resultUom
<Row status="" xmlns="" xmlns:dd792="">
QName Type Use
status xs:string optional
[ top ]
Element monitoringSiteIdentifier
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the site was reported as a WFD monitoring site, enter the WFD identifier of the site.

If the site was reported as an EIONET monitoring site, enter the EIONET international identifier of the site.

The "monitoringSiteIdentifier" is a unique value in the list of monitoring sites for a given "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme". For each "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme" value, a list of valid "monitoringSiteIdentifier" values will be kept updated, based on the information reported under the WISE Spatial data flow.

First 2 characters must be the 2-alpha character ISO country code (use 'EL' for Greece and 'UK' for the United Kingdom).

Do not use characters with accents and other diacritical marks (national characters). Do not use spaces or other spatial characters. The hyphen '-' and the underscore '_' characters are allowed.

An EIONET identifier can be created by prefixing the national site identifier with the 2-alpha character ISO country code.
Example: country: Austria, national station identifier : ST_123 => "monitoringSiteIdentifier": ATST_123

Please guarantee that the "monitoringSiteIdentifier" is unique and exists in the applicable "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme".]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Monitoring site identifier]]>
  <![CDATA[Unique international identifier of the monitoring site in which the data were obtained.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 3
maxLength 42
Used by
[ top ]
Element monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the monitoring site is reported under WFD, use the value 'euMonitoringSiteCode' for the "MonitoringSiteIdentifierScheme" field.

If the monitoring site is NOT reported under WFD (e.g. non-EU countries reporting under WISE SoE only, or countries providing information about monitoring sites that are not WFD monitoring sites), use the value 'eionetMonitoringSiteCode' for the "MonitoringSiteIdentifierScheme" field.

For each identifier scheme, a list of valid "MonitoringSiteIdentifier" values will be kept updated, based on the information reported under the WISE Spatial data flow.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Monitoring site identifier scheme ]]>
  <![CDATA[Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode').]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration eionetMonitoringSiteCode
enumeration euMonitoringSiteCode
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterWaterBodyCategory
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code, as defined in the codelist.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration CW
enumeration GW
enumeration LW
enumeration RW
enumeration TeW
enumeration TW
Used by
[ top ]
Element observedPropertyDeterminandCode
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Please note that CAS numbers are used where applicable. In the other cases a EEA generated code is used. Prefix "CAS_" is used for the unique codes based on the CAS number, prefix "EEA_" for the EEA codes.

The structure of the EEA code is similar to that of the CAS number:
- The first set of digits identifies the WFD quality element
- The second set of digits is a sequential number
- The last digit is a check digit.

This list is also used in the WFD reporting.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Determinand code]]>
  <![CDATA[Unique code of the determinand monitored, as defined in the codelist.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration CAS_108-86-1
enumeration CAS_540-59-0
enumeration EEA_33-02-3
enumeration CAS_108-88-3
enumeration CAS_541-73-1
enumeration EEA_33-04-5
enumeration CAS_108-90-7
enumeration CAS_5436-43-1
enumeration EEA_33-05-6
enumeration CAS_108-95-2
enumeration CAS_5466-77-3
enumeration EEA_33-06-7
enumeration CAS_1113-02-6
enumeration CAS_55512-33-9
enumeration EEA_33-07-8
enumeration CAS_111988-49-9
enumeration CAS_55525-54-7
enumeration EEA_33-08-9
enumeration CAS_112410-23-8
enumeration CAS_55673-89-7
enumeration EEA_33-09-0
enumeration CAS_114-07-8
enumeration CAS_5598-13-0
enumeration EEA_33-10-3
enumeration CAS_115-29-7
enumeration CAS_56-23-5
enumeration EEA_33-11-4
enumeration CAS_115-32-2
enumeration CAS_56-38-2
enumeration EEA_33-13-6
enumeration CAS_1163-19-5
enumeration CAS_56-55-3
enumeration EEA_33-14-7
enumeration CAS_117-81-7
enumeration CAS_563-58-6
enumeration EEA_33-15-8
enumeration CAS_118-74-1
enumeration CAS_56507-37-0
enumeration EEA_33-17-0
enumeration CAS_118-96-7
enumeration CAS_57-12-5
enumeration EEA_33-18-1
enumeration CAS_1194-65-6
enumeration CAS_57-63-6
enumeration EEA_33-19-2
enumeration CAS_120-12-7
enumeration CAS_57-74-9
enumeration EEA_33-20-5
enumeration CAS_120-36-5
enumeration CAS_57117-31-4
enumeration EEA_33-21-6
enumeration CAS_120-82-1
enumeration CAS_57117-41-6
enumeration EEA_33-22-7
enumeration CAS_120-83-2
enumeration CAS_57117-44-9
enumeration EEA_33-23-8
enumeration CAS_12002-48-1
enumeration CAS_57465-28-8
enumeration EEA_33-24-9
enumeration CAS_120928-09-8
enumeration CAS_576-26-1
enumeration EEA_33-26-1
enumeration CAS_121-14-2
enumeration CAS_57653-85-7
enumeration EEA_33-27-2
enumeration CAS_121-75-5
enumeration CAS_57837-19-1
enumeration EEA_33-28-3
enumeration CAS_122-14-5
enumeration CAS_58-08-2
enumeration EEA_33-29-4
enumeration CAS_122-34-9
enumeration CAS_58-89-9
enumeration EEA_33-31-8
enumeration CAS_123-33-1
enumeration CAS_58-90-2
enumeration EEA_33-32-9
enumeration CAS_1231244-60-2
enumeration CAS_59-50-7
enumeration EEA_33-36-3
enumeration CAS_124-48-1
enumeration CAS_5915-41-3
enumeration EEA_33-38-5
enumeration CAS_124495-18-7
enumeration CAS_594-20-7
enumeration EEA_33-41-0
enumeration CAS_127-18-4
enumeration CAS_59473-04-0
enumeration EEA_33-42-1
enumeration CAS_12767-79-2
enumeration CAS_60-00-4
enumeration EEA_33-43-2
enumeration CAS_128-37-0
enumeration CAS_60-51-5
enumeration EEA_33-44-3
enumeration CAS_129-00-0
enumeration CAS_60-57-1
enumeration EEA_33-45-4
enumeration CAS_13071-79-9
enumeration CAS_60145-21-3
enumeration EEA_33-46-5
enumeration CAS_131-11-3
enumeration CAS_60207-90-1
enumeration EEA_33-50-1
enumeration CAS_131-16-8
enumeration CAS_603-35-0
enumeration EEA_33-51-2
enumeration CAS_131-18-0
enumeration CAS_60348-60-9
enumeration EEA_33-52-3
enumeration CAS_1321-64-8
enumeration CAS_608-73-1
enumeration EEA_33-53-4
enumeration CAS_1321-65-9
enumeration CAS_608-93-5
enumeration EEA_33-54-5
enumeration CAS_133-06-2
enumeration CAS_60851-34-5
enumeration EEA_33-55-6
enumeration CAS_133-53-9
enumeration CAS_6108-10-7
enumeration EEA_33-56-7
enumeration CAS_1330-20-7
enumeration CAS_6164-98-3
enumeration EEA_33-57-8
enumeration CAS_1333-82-0
enumeration CAS_6190-65-4
enumeration EEA_33-58-9
enumeration CAS_1335-87-1
enumeration CAS_62-73-7
enumeration EEA_34-01-5
enumeration CAS_1335-88-2
enumeration CAS_630-20-6
enumeration CAS_13351-73-0
enumeration CAS_6339-19-1
enumeration CAS_13356-08-6
enumeration CAS_64743-03-9
enumeration CAS_1336-36-3
enumeration CAS_64902-72-3
enumeration CAS_133855-98-8
enumeration CAS_65510-44-3
enumeration CAS_134-62-3
enumeration CAS_66753-07-9
enumeration CAS_134237-50-6
enumeration CAS_67-66-3
enumeration CAS_134237-51-7
enumeration CAS_67129-08-2
enumeration CAS_134237-52-8
enumeration CAS_67562-39-4
enumeration CAS_135-19-3
enumeration CAS_67564-91-4
enumeration CAS_135-98-8
enumeration CAS_68631-49-2
enumeration CAS_135410-20-7
enumeration CAS_68928-80-3
enumeration CAS_136-85-6
enumeration CAS_69782-90-7
enumeration CAS_136426-54-5
enumeration CAS_7012-37-5
enumeration CAS_136677-10-6
enumeration CAS_70124-77-5
enumeration CAS_13684-56-5
enumeration CAS_70362-41-3
enumeration CAS_137-26-8
enumeration CAS_70362-50-4
enumeration CAS_137-30-4
enumeration CAS_70630-17-0
enumeration CAS_138261-41-3
enumeration CAS_70648-26-9
enumeration CAS_139-13-9
enumeration CAS_70776-03-3
enumeration CAS_139-40-2
enumeration CAS_7085-19-0
enumeration CAS_140-57-8
enumeration CAS_71-43-2
enumeration CAS_140-66-9
enumeration CAS_71-52-3
enumeration CAS_141776-32-1
enumeration CAS_71-55-6
enumeration CAS_142-28-9
enumeration CAS_72-20-8
enumeration CAS_142363-53-9
enumeration CAS_72-43-5
enumeration CAS_14265-44-2
enumeration CAS_72-54-8
enumeration CAS_143-50-0
enumeration CAS_72-55-9
enumeration CAS_144-49-0
enumeration CAS_723-46-6
enumeration CAS_14797-55-8
enumeration CAS_7286-69-3
enumeration CAS_14797-65-0
enumeration CAS_7287-19-6
enumeration CAS_14798-03-9
enumeration CAS_72918-21-9
enumeration CAS_151-21-3
enumeration CAS_732-26-3
enumeration CAS_15165-67-0
enumeration CAS_738-70-5
enumeration CAS_152019-73-3
enumeration CAS_74-83-9
enumeration CAS_15307-79-6
enumeration CAS_74-90-8
enumeration CAS_15307-86-5
enumeration CAS_74-95-3
enumeration CAS_153719-23-4
enumeration CAS_74-97-5
enumeration CAS_15541-45-4
enumeration CAS_74070-46-5
enumeration CAS_15545-48-9
enumeration CAS_74223-64-6
enumeration CAS_156-59-2
enumeration CAS_7429-90-5
enumeration CAS_156-60-5
enumeration CAS_7439-89-6
enumeration CAS_1563-66-2
enumeration CAS_7439-92-1
enumeration CAS_15687-27-1
enumeration CAS_7439-93-2
enumeration CAS_1570-64-5
enumeration CAS_7439-95-4
enumeration CAS_1570-65-6
enumeration CAS_7439-96-5
enumeration CAS_1582-09-8
enumeration CAS_7439-97-6
enumeration CAS_15972-60-8
enumeration CAS_7439-98-7
enumeration CAS_1610-18-0
enumeration CAS_7440-02-0
enumeration CAS_16118-49-3
enumeration CAS_7440-09-7
enumeration CAS_1634-04-4
enumeration CAS_7440-22-4
enumeration CAS_16478-18-5
enumeration CAS_7440-23-5
enumeration CAS_16484-77-8
enumeration CAS_7440-24-6
enumeration CAS_16655-82-6
enumeration CAS_7440-28-0
enumeration CAS_16672-87-0
enumeration CAS_7440-31-5
enumeration CAS_16752-77-5
enumeration CAS_7440-32-6
enumeration CAS_16887-00-6
enumeration CAS_7440-33-7
enumeration CAS_1689-83-4
enumeration CAS_7440-36-0
enumeration CAS_1689-84-5
enumeration CAS_7440-38-2
enumeration CAS_1689-99-2
enumeration CAS_7440-39-3
enumeration CAS_1698-60-8
enumeration CAS_7440-41-7
enumeration CAS_16984-48-8
enumeration CAS_7440-42-8
enumeration CAS_1702-17-6
enumeration CAS_7440-43-9
enumeration CAS_17040-19-6
enumeration CAS_7440-47-3
enumeration CAS_171118-09-5
enumeration CAS_7440-48-4
enumeration CAS_171262-17-2
enumeration CAS_7440-50-8
enumeration CAS_17254-80-7
enumeration CAS_7440-61-1
enumeration CAS_172960-62-2
enumeration CAS_7440-62-2
enumeration CAS_1746-01-6
enumeration CAS_7440-66-6
enumeration CAS_1763-23-1
enumeration CAS_7440-70-2
enumeration CAS_1806-26-4
enumeration CAS_74472-37-0
enumeration CAS_18181-70-9
enumeration CAS_75-01-4
enumeration CAS_182346-21-0
enumeration CAS_75-09-2
enumeration CAS_1825-21-4
enumeration CAS_75-25-2
enumeration CAS_182677-30-1
enumeration CAS_75-27-4
enumeration CAS_1836-75-5
enumeration CAS_75-34-3
enumeration CAS_1861-40-1
enumeration CAS_75-35-4
enumeration CAS_187022-11-3
enumeration CAS_75-69-4
enumeration CAS_18785-72-3
enumeration CAS_75-71-8
enumeration CAS_189084-64-8
enumeration CAS_75-99-0
enumeration CAS_191-24-2
enumeration CAS_76-03-9
enumeration CAS_1912-24-9
enumeration CAS_76-44-8
enumeration CAS_1912-26-1
enumeration CAS_77-47-4
enumeration CAS_1918-00-9
enumeration CAS_7723-14-0
enumeration CAS_1918-13-4
enumeration CAS_7782-41-4
enumeration CAS_193-39-5
enumeration CAS_7782-49-2
enumeration CAS_19408-74-3
enumeration CAS_7783-06-4
enumeration CAS_194992-44-4
enumeration CAS_78-87-5
enumeration CAS_19666-30-9
enumeration CAS_789-02-6
enumeration CAS_2008-58-4
enumeration CAS_79-00-5
enumeration CAS_2032-65-7
enumeration CAS_79-01-6
enumeration CAS_20461-54-5
enumeration CAS_79-34-5
enumeration CAS_205-99-2
enumeration CAS_79-94-7
enumeration CAS_2051-24-3
enumeration CAS_793-24-8
enumeration CAS_206-44-0
enumeration CAS_80-05-7
enumeration CAS_207-08-9
enumeration CAS_8001-35-2
enumeration CAS_207122-15-4
enumeration CAS_81-15-2
enumeration CAS_208-96-8
enumeration CAS_81103-11-9
enumeration CAS_2104-64-5
enumeration CAS_82-68-8
enumeration CAS_21087-64-9
enumeration CAS_83-32-9
enumeration CAS_210880-92-5
enumeration CAS_83164-33-4
enumeration CAS_2163-68-0
enumeration CAS_834-12-8
enumeration CAS_2164-08-1
enumeration CAS_83905-01-5
enumeration CAS_21725-46-2
enumeration CAS_84-66-2
enumeration CAS_218-01-9
enumeration CAS_84-69-5
enumeration CAS_22204-53-1
enumeration CAS_84-74-2
enumeration CAS_2227-13-6
enumeration CAS_84852-15-3
enumeration CAS_2234-13-1
enumeration CAS_85-01-8
enumeration CAS_2303-17-5
enumeration CAS_85-22-3
enumeration CAS_2310-17-0
enumeration CAS_85-68-7
enumeration CAS_23103-98-2
enumeration CAS_85535-84-8
enumeration CAS_23593-75-1
enumeration CAS_85535-85-9
enumeration CAS_2385-85-5
enumeration CAS_86-73-7
enumeration CAS_23950-58-5
enumeration CAS_87-61-6
enumeration CAS_2440-02-0
enumeration CAS_87-65-0
enumeration CAS_24959-67-9
enumeration CAS_87-68-3
enumeration CAS_25057-89-0
enumeration CAS_87-86-5
enumeration CAS_25140-90-3
enumeration CAS_88-06-2
enumeration CAS_25167-83-3
enumeration CAS_88-85-7
enumeration CAS_25637-99-4
enumeration CAS_886-50-0
enumeration CAS_2599-11-3
enumeration CAS_90-12-0
enumeration CAS_262-12-4
enumeration CAS_91-20-3
enumeration CAS_26225-79-6
enumeration CAS_91-57-6
enumeration CAS_26259-45-0
enumeration CAS_919-86-8
enumeration CAS_28159-98-0
enumeration CAS_93-72-1
enumeration CAS_29122-68-7
enumeration CAS_93-76-5
enumeration CAS_2921-88-2
enumeration CAS_94-74-6
enumeration CAS_294-62-2
enumeration CAS_94-75-7
enumeration CAS_297-78-9
enumeration CAS_94-81-5
enumeration CAS_298-00-0
enumeration CAS_94-82-6
enumeration CAS_298-46-4
enumeration CAS_95-14-7
enumeration CAS_30125-63-4
enumeration CAS_95-47-6
enumeration CAS_309-00-2
enumeration CAS_95-48-7
enumeration CAS_31218-83-4
enumeration CAS_95-49-8
enumeration CAS_314-40-9
enumeration CAS_95-50-1
enumeration CAS_31508-00-6
enumeration CAS_95-63-6
enumeration CAS_319-84-6
enumeration CAS_95-65-8
enumeration CAS_319-85-7
enumeration CAS_95-87-4
enumeration CAS_319-86-8
enumeration CAS_95-95-4
enumeration CAS_3194-55-6
enumeration CAS_959-98-8
enumeration CAS_32241-08-0
enumeration CAS_96-12-8
enumeration CAS_32534-81-9
enumeration CAS_96-18-4
enumeration CAS_32536-52-0
enumeration CAS_96-45-7
enumeration CAS_32598-13-3
enumeration CAS_98-06-6
enumeration CAS_32598-14-4
enumeration CAS_98-51-1
enumeration CAS_3268-87-9
enumeration CAS_98-82-8
enumeration CAS_32774-16-6
enumeration CAS_99-87-6
enumeration CAS_330-54-1
enumeration CAS_994-05-8
enumeration CAS_330-55-2
enumeration EEA_00-00-0
enumeration CAS_3307-39-9
enumeration EEA_11-01-8
enumeration CAS_33213-65-9
enumeration EEA_11-02-9
enumeration CAS_333-41-5
enumeration EEA_11-03-0
enumeration CAS_335-67-1
enumeration EEA_11-04-1
enumeration CAS_33693-04-8
enumeration EEA_11-05-2
enumeration CAS_3380-34-5
enumeration EEA_11-06-3
enumeration CAS_3397-62-4
enumeration EEA_11-07-4
enumeration CAS_34123-59-6
enumeration EEA_123-01-3
enumeration CAS_3424-82-6
enumeration EEA_123-02-4
enumeration CAS_34256-82-1
enumeration EEA_123-03-5
enumeration CAS_35065-27-1
enumeration EEA_123-04-6
enumeration CAS_35065-28-2
enumeration EEA_123-05-7
enumeration CAS_35065-29-3
enumeration EEA_123-06-8
enumeration CAS_35065-30-6
enumeration EEA_123-07-9
enumeration CAS_35693-99-3
enumeration EEA_124-01-6
enumeration CAS_35694-08-7
enumeration EEA_124-02-7
enumeration CAS_35822-46-9
enumeration EEA_124-03-8
enumeration CAS_36065-30-2
enumeration EEA_124-04-9
enumeration CAS_36355-01-8
enumeration EEA_13-01-4
enumeration CAS_36483-60-0
enumeration EEA_13-02-5
enumeration CAS_36643-28-4
enumeration EEA_13-03-6
enumeration CAS_37350-58-6
enumeration EEA_13-04-7
enumeration CAS_37680-73-2
enumeration EEA_14-01-7
enumeration CAS_38380-08-4
enumeration EEA_14-02-8
enumeration CAS_39001-02-0
enumeration EEA_14-03-9
enumeration CAS_39227-28-6
enumeration EEA_14-04-0
enumeration CAS_39635-31-9
enumeration EEA_31-01-6
enumeration CAS_39765-80-5
enumeration EEA_31-02-7
enumeration CAS_40088-47-9
enumeration EEA_31-03-8
enumeration CAS_40321-76-4
enumeration EEA_3111-01-1
enumeration CAS_40487-42-1
enumeration EEA_3121-01-5
enumeration CAS_41318-75-6
enumeration EEA_3131-01-9
enumeration CAS_100-02-7
enumeration CAS_41394-05-2
enumeration EEA_3132-01-2
enumeration CAS_100-41-4
enumeration CAS_41464-42-0
enumeration EEA_3133-01-5
enumeration CAS_100-42-5
enumeration CAS_41859-67-0
enumeration EEA_3133-02-6
enumeration CAS_1002-53-5
enumeration CAS_4234-79-1
enumeration EEA_3133-03-7
enumeration CAS_10028-17-8
enumeration CAS_42576-02-3
enumeration EEA_3133-04-8
enumeration CAS_10061-01-5
enumeration CAS_4636-83-3
enumeration EEA_3133-05-9
enumeration CAS_10061-02-6
enumeration CAS_465-73-6
enumeration EEA_3133-06-0
enumeration CAS_1007-28-9
enumeration CAS_470-90-6
enumeration EEA_3141-01-3
enumeration CAS_101-55-3
enumeration CAS_4901-51-3
enumeration EEA_3142-01-6
enumeration CAS_1014-69-3
enumeration CAS_4904-61-4
enumeration EEA_3142-02-7
enumeration CAS_1024-57-3
enumeration CAS_50-00-0
enumeration EEA_3151-01-7
enumeration CAS_10265-92-6
enumeration CAS_50-28-2
enumeration EEA_3152-01-0
enumeration CAS_103-65-1
enumeration CAS_50-29-3
enumeration EEA_3153-01-3
enumeration CAS_104-40-5
enumeration CAS_50-30-6
enumeration EEA_3161-01-1
enumeration CAS_104-51-8
enumeration CAS_50-32-8
enumeration EEA_3161-02-2
enumeration CAS_105-67-9
enumeration CAS_50563-36-5
enumeration EEA_3161-03-3
enumeration CAS_106-42-3
enumeration CAS_51000-52-3
enumeration EEA_3161-04-4
enumeration CAS_106-43-4
enumeration CAS_512-04-9
enumeration EEA_3161-05-5
enumeration CAS_106-44-5
enumeration CAS_51207-31-9
enumeration EEA_3161-06-6
enumeration CAS_106-46-7
enumeration CAS_51218-45-2
enumeration EEA_31613-01-1
enumeration CAS_106-93-4
enumeration CAS_51235-04-2
enumeration EEA_31615-01-7
enumeration CAS_10605-21-7
enumeration CAS_52-51-7
enumeration EEA_3163-01-7
enumeration CAS_1066-51-9
enumeration CAS_52236-30-3
enumeration EEA_3164-01-0
enumeration CAS_107-06-2
enumeration CAS_52315-07-8
enumeration EEA_3164-07-6
enumeration CAS_107-13-1
enumeration CAS_526-75-0
enumeration EEA_3164-08-7
enumeration CAS_107-46-0
enumeration CAS_52645-53-1
enumeration EEA_32-02-0
enumeration CAS_1070-78-6
enumeration CAS_52663-72-6
enumeration EEA_32-03-1
enumeration CAS_1071-83-6
enumeration CAS_53-16-7
enumeration EEA_32-04-2
enumeration CAS_108-38-3
enumeration CAS_53-19-0
enumeration EEA_32-23-5
enumeration CAS_108-67-8
enumeration CAS_53-70-3
enumeration EEA_32-24-6
enumeration CAS_108-70-3
enumeration CAS_534-52-1
enumeration EEA_33-01-2
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureAnalysedFraction
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Select 'total' if the "procedureAnalysedMedia" value is 'sediment' or 'biota' or if it is 'water' and the unfiltered sample was analysed.

Select 'dissolved' if the "procedureAnalysedMedia" value is 'water' and the filtered fraction of the sample was analysed.

Select 'SPM' if the "procedureAnalysedMedia" value is 'water' and the suspended particulate matter of the sample was analysed.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Analysed fraction]]>
  <![CDATA[Specification of which fraction of the sample was analysed.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration dissolved
enumeration SPM
enumeration total
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureAnalysedMedia
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Identify the analysed media type ('biota', 'sediment' or 'water').

Please use the field "procedureAnalysedFraction" to further specify the fraction of the sample which was analysed ('total', 'dissolved', 'SPM').]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Analysed media]]>
  <![CDATA[Type of media monitored.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration biota
enumeration sediment
enumeration water
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultUom
  <![CDATA[This value is a required.

Please check the valid units for each determinand in the reporting guidance documents. Please note the difference between the determinand and the actual unit of measure. For example, the Nitrate should be reported as milligrams of Nitrogen per litre (mg{N}/L).

The codes follow the UCUM syntax (]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Unit of measure]]>
  <![CDATA[Unit of measure for the reported values.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration mg{SiO3}/L
enumeration ug/L
enumeration ug{N}/L
enumeration ng/L
enumeration kg/s
enumeration t/a
enumeration kg/a
enumeration {ratio}
enumeration {molarRatio}
enumeration {massRatio}
enumeration mg/kg
enumeration ug/kg
enumeration ng/kg
enumeration mg/g
enumeration ug/g
enumeration ng/g
enumeration ug{TEQ}/kg
enumeration {EQR}
enumeration {PSU}
enumeration [pH]
enumeration %
enumeration %{oxygenSaturation}
enumeration {presence}
enumeration s
enumeration d
enumeration mo
enumeration a
enumeration m
enumeration km
enumeration m2
enumeration km2
enumeration kg
enumeration mol
enumeration K
enumeration Cel
enumeration S/m
enumeration uS/cm
enumeration Bq
enumeration mol/m3
enumeration mmol/L
enumeration umol/L
enumeration umol{C}/L
enumeration umol{N}/L
enumeration umol{O2}/L
enumeration umol{P}/L
enumeration umol{S}/L
enumeration umol{Si}/L
enumeration kg/m3
enumeration mg/L
enumeration mg{C}/L
enumeration mg{CaCO3}/L
enumeration mg{N}/L
enumeration mg{NH3}/L
enumeration mg{NH4}/L
enumeration mg{NO2}/L
enumeration mg{NO3}/L
enumeration mg{O2}/L
enumeration mg{P}/L
enumeration mg{PO4}/L
enumeration mg{S}/L
enumeration mg{Si}/L
Used by
[ top ]
Element phenomenonTimeSamplingDate
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Use the format YYYY-MM-DD.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Sampling time (date)]]>
  <![CDATA[Date in which the sample was taken.]]>
Type xs:date
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultObservedValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Zero or negative values are not allowed for concentration values.

Exceptions: zero values are allowed for Dissolved oxygen, HCO3 and CO3

A minimum value of -3 is allowed for seawater temperature only.

If the sample concentration value was below the limit of quantification, enter the limit of quantification value itself into the "resultObservedValue" field and set the value 'true' (or '1') in the "resultQualityObservedValueBelowLOQ" field.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Observed value]]>
  <![CDATA[Observed value (e.g. concentration) of the determinand in the sample.]]>
Type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
totalDigits 9
fractionDigits 6
minInclusive -3
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityObservedValueBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[This value is a required.

Set the value to 'true' if the concentration value was below the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if the concentration was above or equal to the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if LOQs are not applicable to a specific determinand (e.g. pH or temperature).

A valid alternative to the default boolean values 'false' and 'true' are values '0' and '1', respectively.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Observed value below LOQ ]]>
  <![CDATA[Flag to indicate whether the sample value was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ).]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureLOQValue
  <![CDATA[The LOQ is required for hazardous substances and requested for other determinands (if applicable).

When reporting aggregated data please report the highest LOQ of the samples used in the calculation.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Limit of quantification]]>
  <![CDATA[The smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%).]]>
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureAnalyticalMethod
  <![CDATA[See the CEN/ISO code list for suggested values. If the option 'Other analytical method' is used, please describe the method in the field Remarks.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[CEN/ISO analytical method code]]>
  <![CDATA[CEN/ISO code of the analytical method.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 255
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterSampleDepth
  <![CDATA[Use the value 0 for surface samples.

When reporting aggregated data provide the average depth.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Sample depth]]>
  <![CDATA[Depth at which sample was taken in meter below water surface.]]>
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultObservationStatus
  <![CDATA[- Use the 'A' observation status flag to confirm that the given record is correct. It is not necessary to apply this flag for all valid records. It is intended for confirmation of extremely high or low values or for other special cases where confirmation is needed or is relevant.

The following four codes ('O', 'M', 'L', 'N') are applicable to missing or zero values:

- Use the 'O' observation status flag if the value is missing and no further information is available as to the reason why. Use it also to identify previously reported records that should be deleted.

- Use the 'M' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data cannot exist (e.g. the value can't be reported due to a missing observed value source in the respective spatial unit).

- Use the 'L' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data was not collected.

- Use the 'N' observation status flag if the value is missing because it isn't relevant or significant. 

Three codes ('W', 'X' and 'Y') describe situations where the specific source categories do not follow the standard definition:

- Use the 'W' observation status flag if the observed value for a specific source category is missing because the data is reported under other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories.

- Use the 'X' observation status flag if the reported value for a specific source category includes data from other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories represented by the reported value.

- Use the 'Y' observation status flag if the definition of a specific source category does not exactly match the standard definition, because it includes also other sources not belonging to the specific category. Use the "Remarks" field to provide additional information on the other sources.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Observation status flag]]>
  <![CDATA[Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration A
enumeration L
enumeration M
enumeration N
enumeration O
enumeration W
enumeration X
enumeration Y
Used by
[ top ]
Element Remarks
  <![CDATA[This field can be used to provide additional information about the record.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 255
Used by
[ top ]
Element AggregatedData
  <![CDATA[water quality]]>
  <![CDATA[Annual statistics data by monitoring site]]>
  <![CDATA[Annual mean values and other statistics of determinands on water quality, by monitoring site.]]>
  <![CDATA[Annual mean values and other statistics of determinands on water quality, by monitoring site.]]>
  <![CDATA[Annually aggregated data by monitoring site should be reported if disaggregated data is not available for reporting (e.g. for nutrients and selected biological determinands in rivers or lakes). Reporting of annually aggregated is allowed also for hazardous substances in rivers and lakes, although reporting of disaggregated data is strongly preferred.

Each record in this table must have a unique combination of the values in the fields "monitoringSiteIdentifier", "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme", "observedPropertyDeterminandCode", "procedureAnalysedFraction", "procedureAnalysedMedia" and "phenomenonTimeReferenceYear".

The monitoring site is uniquely identified by combination of values in the fields "monitoringSiteIdentifier" and "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme".
The monitoring site identifier should be present in the list of monitoring sites ( that is kept updated with the data reported under the WISE Spatial Data and/or the WFD 2016 Spatial data flows.

Select the adequate unit of measure according to the type of the determinand.

When preparing annually aggregated data, sample concentrations below the limits of quantification must be treated in accordance to the QA/QC Directive (Commission directive 2009/90/EC of 31 July 2009 laying down, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status):

- If a sample concentration value is below the limit of quantification, then it must be replaced with a value equivalent to HALF THE LIMIT OF QUANTIFICATION value;

- If the calculated annual mean value of the measurements results is below the limit of quantification value, then report the limit of quantification value in the "resultMeanValue" field and report 'True' in the boolean "resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ" field.

- Use the same rule when calculating and reporting the minimum, maximum and median values.

- If the samples in the calculation had different limits of quantification, then the highest of the different LOQ values must be used. ]]>
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#AggregatedData_Row
content complex
Used by
Children Row
<AggregatedData xmlns="">
  <Row status="">{1,unbounded}</Row>
[ top ]
Element AggregatedData / Row
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#AggregatedData_AggregatedData_Row_status wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_monitoringSiteIdentifier wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_parameterWaterBodyCategory wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_observedPropertyDeterminandCode wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_procedureAnalysedFraction wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_procedureAnalysedMedia wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_resultUom wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#phenomenonTimeReferenceYear wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterSamplingPeriod wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_procedureLOQValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultNumberOfSamples wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultQualityNumberOfSamplesBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultMinimumValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultMeanValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultMaximumValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultMedianValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultStandardDeviationValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_procedureAnalyticalMethod wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_parameterSampleDepth wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_resultObservationStatus wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_812_Remarks
content complex
minOccurs 1
maxOccurs unbounded
Children Remarks, monitoringSiteIdentifier, monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme, observedPropertyDeterminandCode, parameterSampleDepth, parameterSamplingPeriod, parameterWaterBodyCategory, phenomenonTimeReferenceYear, procedureAnalysedFraction, procedureAnalysedMedia, procedureAnalyticalMethod, procedureLOQValue, resultMaximumValue, resultMeanValue, resultMedianValue, resultMinimumValue, resultNumberOfSamples, resultObservationStatus, resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ, resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ, resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ, resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ, resultQualityNumberOfSamplesBelowLOQ, resultStandardDeviationValue, resultUom
<Row status="" xmlns="" xmlns:dd812="">
QName Type Use
status xs:string optional
[ top ]
Element monitoringSiteIdentifier
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the site was reported as a WFD monitoring site, enter the WFD identifier of the site.

If the site was reported as an EIONET monitoring site, enter the EIONET international identifier of the site.

The "monitoringSiteIdentifier" is a unique value in the list of monitoring sites for a given "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme". For each "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme" value, a list of valid "monitoringSiteIdentifier" values will be kept updated, based on the information reported under the WISE Spatial data flow.

First 2 characters must be the 2-alpha character ISO country code (use 'EL' for Greece and 'UK' for the United Kingdom).

Do not use characters with accents and other diacritical marks (national characters). Do not use spaces or other spatial characters. The hyphen '-' and the underscore '_' characters are allowed.

An EIONET identifier can be created by prefixing the national site identifier with the 2-alpha character ISO country code.
Example: country: Austria, national station identifier : ST_123 => "monitoringSiteIdentifier": ATST_123

Please guarantee that the "monitoringSiteIdentifier" is unique and exists in the applicable "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme".]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Monitoring site identifier]]>
  <![CDATA[Unique international identifier of the monitoring site in which the data were obtained.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 3
maxLength 42
Used by
[ top ]
Element monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the monitoring site is reported under WFD, use the value 'euMonitoringSiteCode' for the "MonitoringSiteIdentifierScheme" field.

If the monitoring site is NOT reported under WFD (e.g. non-EU countries reporting under WISE SoE only, or countries providing information about monitoring sites that are not WFD monitoring sites), use the value 'eionetMonitoringSiteCode' for the "MonitoringSiteIdentifierScheme" field.

For each identifier scheme, a list of valid "MonitoringSiteIdentifier" values will be kept updated, based on the information reported under the WISE Spatial data flow.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Monitoring site identifier scheme ]]>
  <![CDATA[Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode').]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration eionetMonitoringSiteCode
enumeration euMonitoringSiteCode
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterWaterBodyCategory
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code, as defined in the codelist.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration CW
enumeration GW
enumeration LW
enumeration RW
enumeration TeW
enumeration TW
Used by
[ top ]
Element observedPropertyDeterminandCode
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Please note that CAS numbers are used where applicable. In the other cases a EEA generated code is used. Prefix "CAS_" is used for the unique codes based on the CAS number, prefix "EEA_" for the EEA codes.

The structure of the EEA code is similar to that of the CAS number:
- The first set of digits identifies the WFD quality element
- The second set of digits is a sequential number
- The last digit is a check digit.

This list is also used in the WFD reporting.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Determinand code]]>
  <![CDATA[Unique code of the determinand monitored, as defined in the codelist.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration CAS_108-86-1
enumeration CAS_540-59-0
enumeration EEA_33-02-3
enumeration CAS_108-88-3
enumeration CAS_541-73-1
enumeration EEA_33-04-5
enumeration CAS_108-90-7
enumeration CAS_5436-43-1
enumeration EEA_33-05-6
enumeration CAS_108-95-2
enumeration CAS_5466-77-3
enumeration EEA_33-06-7
enumeration CAS_1113-02-6
enumeration CAS_55512-33-9
enumeration EEA_33-07-8
enumeration CAS_111988-49-9
enumeration CAS_55525-54-7
enumeration EEA_33-08-9
enumeration CAS_112410-23-8
enumeration CAS_55673-89-7
enumeration EEA_33-09-0
enumeration CAS_114-07-8
enumeration CAS_5598-13-0
enumeration EEA_33-10-3
enumeration CAS_115-29-7
enumeration CAS_56-23-5
enumeration EEA_33-11-4
enumeration CAS_115-32-2
enumeration CAS_56-38-2
enumeration EEA_33-13-6
enumeration CAS_1163-19-5
enumeration CAS_56-55-3
enumeration EEA_33-14-7
enumeration CAS_117-81-7
enumeration CAS_563-58-6
enumeration EEA_33-15-8
enumeration CAS_118-74-1
enumeration CAS_56507-37-0
enumeration EEA_33-17-0
enumeration CAS_118-96-7
enumeration CAS_57-12-5
enumeration EEA_33-18-1
enumeration CAS_1194-65-6
enumeration CAS_57-63-6
enumeration EEA_33-19-2
enumeration CAS_120-12-7
enumeration CAS_57-74-9
enumeration EEA_33-20-5
enumeration CAS_120-36-5
enumeration CAS_57117-31-4
enumeration EEA_33-21-6
enumeration CAS_120-82-1
enumeration CAS_57117-41-6
enumeration EEA_33-22-7
enumeration CAS_120-83-2
enumeration CAS_57117-44-9
enumeration EEA_33-23-8
enumeration CAS_12002-48-1
enumeration CAS_57465-28-8
enumeration EEA_33-24-9
enumeration CAS_120928-09-8
enumeration CAS_576-26-1
enumeration EEA_33-26-1
enumeration CAS_121-14-2
enumeration CAS_57653-85-7
enumeration EEA_33-27-2
enumeration CAS_121-75-5
enumeration CAS_57837-19-1
enumeration EEA_33-28-3
enumeration CAS_122-14-5
enumeration CAS_58-08-2
enumeration EEA_33-29-4
enumeration CAS_122-34-9
enumeration CAS_58-89-9
enumeration EEA_33-31-8
enumeration CAS_123-33-1
enumeration CAS_58-90-2
enumeration EEA_33-32-9
enumeration CAS_1231244-60-2
enumeration CAS_59-50-7
enumeration EEA_33-36-3
enumeration CAS_124-48-1
enumeration CAS_5915-41-3
enumeration EEA_33-38-5
enumeration CAS_124495-18-7
enumeration CAS_594-20-7
enumeration EEA_33-41-0
enumeration CAS_127-18-4
enumeration CAS_59473-04-0
enumeration EEA_33-42-1
enumeration CAS_12767-79-2
enumeration CAS_60-00-4
enumeration EEA_33-43-2
enumeration CAS_128-37-0
enumeration CAS_60-51-5
enumeration EEA_33-44-3
enumeration CAS_129-00-0
enumeration CAS_60-57-1
enumeration EEA_33-45-4
enumeration CAS_13071-79-9
enumeration CAS_60145-21-3
enumeration EEA_33-46-5
enumeration CAS_131-11-3
enumeration CAS_60207-90-1
enumeration EEA_33-50-1
enumeration CAS_131-16-8
enumeration CAS_603-35-0
enumeration EEA_33-51-2
enumeration CAS_131-18-0
enumeration CAS_60348-60-9
enumeration EEA_33-52-3
enumeration CAS_1321-64-8
enumeration CAS_608-73-1
enumeration EEA_33-53-4
enumeration CAS_1321-65-9
enumeration CAS_608-93-5
enumeration EEA_33-54-5
enumeration CAS_133-06-2
enumeration CAS_60851-34-5
enumeration EEA_33-55-6
enumeration CAS_133-53-9
enumeration CAS_6108-10-7
enumeration EEA_33-56-7
enumeration CAS_1330-20-7
enumeration CAS_6164-98-3
enumeration EEA_33-57-8
enumeration CAS_1333-82-0
enumeration CAS_6190-65-4
enumeration EEA_33-58-9
enumeration CAS_1335-87-1
enumeration CAS_62-73-7
enumeration EEA_34-01-5
enumeration CAS_1335-88-2
enumeration CAS_630-20-6
enumeration CAS_13351-73-0
enumeration CAS_6339-19-1
enumeration CAS_13356-08-6
enumeration CAS_64743-03-9
enumeration CAS_1336-36-3
enumeration CAS_64902-72-3
enumeration CAS_133855-98-8
enumeration CAS_65510-44-3
enumeration CAS_134-62-3
enumeration CAS_66753-07-9
enumeration CAS_134237-50-6
enumeration CAS_67-66-3
enumeration CAS_134237-51-7
enumeration CAS_67129-08-2
enumeration CAS_134237-52-8
enumeration CAS_67562-39-4
enumeration CAS_135-19-3
enumeration CAS_67564-91-4
enumeration CAS_135-98-8
enumeration CAS_68631-49-2
enumeration CAS_135410-20-7
enumeration CAS_68928-80-3
enumeration CAS_136-85-6
enumeration CAS_69782-90-7
enumeration CAS_136426-54-5
enumeration CAS_7012-37-5
enumeration CAS_136677-10-6
enumeration CAS_70124-77-5
enumeration CAS_13684-56-5
enumeration CAS_70362-41-3
enumeration CAS_137-26-8
enumeration CAS_70362-50-4
enumeration CAS_137-30-4
enumeration CAS_70630-17-0
enumeration CAS_138261-41-3
enumeration CAS_70648-26-9
enumeration CAS_139-13-9
enumeration CAS_70776-03-3
enumeration CAS_139-40-2
enumeration CAS_7085-19-0
enumeration CAS_140-57-8
enumeration CAS_71-43-2
enumeration CAS_140-66-9
enumeration CAS_71-52-3
enumeration CAS_141776-32-1
enumeration CAS_71-55-6
enumeration CAS_142-28-9
enumeration CAS_72-20-8
enumeration CAS_142363-53-9
enumeration CAS_72-43-5
enumeration CAS_14265-44-2
enumeration CAS_72-54-8
enumeration CAS_143-50-0
enumeration CAS_72-55-9
enumeration CAS_144-49-0
enumeration CAS_723-46-6
enumeration CAS_14797-55-8
enumeration CAS_7286-69-3
enumeration CAS_14797-65-0
enumeration CAS_7287-19-6
enumeration CAS_14798-03-9
enumeration CAS_72918-21-9
enumeration CAS_151-21-3
enumeration CAS_732-26-3
enumeration CAS_15165-67-0
enumeration CAS_738-70-5
enumeration CAS_152019-73-3
enumeration CAS_74-83-9
enumeration CAS_15307-79-6
enumeration CAS_74-90-8
enumeration CAS_15307-86-5
enumeration CAS_74-95-3
enumeration CAS_153719-23-4
enumeration CAS_74-97-5
enumeration CAS_15541-45-4
enumeration CAS_74070-46-5
enumeration CAS_15545-48-9
enumeration CAS_74223-64-6
enumeration CAS_156-59-2
enumeration CAS_7429-90-5
enumeration CAS_156-60-5
enumeration CAS_7439-89-6
enumeration CAS_1563-66-2
enumeration CAS_7439-92-1
enumeration CAS_15687-27-1
enumeration CAS_7439-93-2
enumeration CAS_1570-64-5
enumeration CAS_7439-95-4
enumeration CAS_1570-65-6
enumeration CAS_7439-96-5
enumeration CAS_1582-09-8
enumeration CAS_7439-97-6
enumeration CAS_15972-60-8
enumeration CAS_7439-98-7
enumeration CAS_1610-18-0
enumeration CAS_7440-02-0
enumeration CAS_16118-49-3
enumeration CAS_7440-09-7
enumeration CAS_1634-04-4
enumeration CAS_7440-22-4
enumeration CAS_16478-18-5
enumeration CAS_7440-23-5
enumeration CAS_16484-77-8
enumeration CAS_7440-24-6
enumeration CAS_16655-82-6
enumeration CAS_7440-28-0
enumeration CAS_16672-87-0
enumeration CAS_7440-31-5
enumeration CAS_16752-77-5
enumeration CAS_7440-32-6
enumeration CAS_16887-00-6
enumeration CAS_7440-33-7
enumeration CAS_1689-83-4
enumeration CAS_7440-36-0
enumeration CAS_1689-84-5
enumeration CAS_7440-38-2
enumeration CAS_1689-99-2
enumeration CAS_7440-39-3
enumeration CAS_1698-60-8
enumeration CAS_7440-41-7
enumeration CAS_16984-48-8
enumeration CAS_7440-42-8
enumeration CAS_1702-17-6
enumeration CAS_7440-43-9
enumeration CAS_17040-19-6
enumeration CAS_7440-47-3
enumeration CAS_171118-09-5
enumeration CAS_7440-48-4
enumeration CAS_171262-17-2
enumeration CAS_7440-50-8
enumeration CAS_17254-80-7
enumeration CAS_7440-61-1
enumeration CAS_172960-62-2
enumeration CAS_7440-62-2
enumeration CAS_1746-01-6
enumeration CAS_7440-66-6
enumeration CAS_1763-23-1
enumeration CAS_7440-70-2
enumeration CAS_1806-26-4
enumeration CAS_74472-37-0
enumeration CAS_18181-70-9
enumeration CAS_75-01-4
enumeration CAS_182346-21-0
enumeration CAS_75-09-2
enumeration CAS_1825-21-4
enumeration CAS_75-25-2
enumeration CAS_182677-30-1
enumeration CAS_75-27-4
enumeration CAS_1836-75-5
enumeration CAS_75-34-3
enumeration CAS_1861-40-1
enumeration CAS_75-35-4
enumeration CAS_187022-11-3
enumeration CAS_75-69-4
enumeration CAS_18785-72-3
enumeration CAS_75-71-8
enumeration CAS_189084-64-8
enumeration CAS_75-99-0
enumeration CAS_191-24-2
enumeration CAS_76-03-9
enumeration CAS_1912-24-9
enumeration CAS_76-44-8
enumeration CAS_1912-26-1
enumeration CAS_77-47-4
enumeration CAS_1918-00-9
enumeration CAS_7723-14-0
enumeration CAS_1918-13-4
enumeration CAS_7782-41-4
enumeration CAS_193-39-5
enumeration CAS_7782-49-2
enumeration CAS_19408-74-3
enumeration CAS_7783-06-4
enumeration CAS_194992-44-4
enumeration CAS_78-87-5
enumeration CAS_19666-30-9
enumeration CAS_789-02-6
enumeration CAS_2008-58-4
enumeration CAS_79-00-5
enumeration CAS_2032-65-7
enumeration CAS_79-01-6
enumeration CAS_20461-54-5
enumeration CAS_79-34-5
enumeration CAS_205-99-2
enumeration CAS_79-94-7
enumeration CAS_2051-24-3
enumeration CAS_793-24-8
enumeration CAS_206-44-0
enumeration CAS_80-05-7
enumeration CAS_207-08-9
enumeration CAS_8001-35-2
enumeration CAS_207122-15-4
enumeration CAS_81-15-2
enumeration CAS_208-96-8
enumeration CAS_81103-11-9
enumeration CAS_2104-64-5
enumeration CAS_82-68-8
enumeration CAS_21087-64-9
enumeration CAS_83-32-9
enumeration CAS_210880-92-5
enumeration CAS_83164-33-4
enumeration CAS_2163-68-0
enumeration CAS_834-12-8
enumeration CAS_2164-08-1
enumeration CAS_83905-01-5
enumeration CAS_21725-46-2
enumeration CAS_84-66-2
enumeration CAS_218-01-9
enumeration CAS_84-69-5
enumeration CAS_22204-53-1
enumeration CAS_84-74-2
enumeration CAS_2227-13-6
enumeration CAS_84852-15-3
enumeration CAS_2234-13-1
enumeration CAS_85-01-8
enumeration CAS_2303-17-5
enumeration CAS_85-22-3
enumeration CAS_2310-17-0
enumeration CAS_85-68-7
enumeration CAS_23103-98-2
enumeration CAS_85535-84-8
enumeration CAS_23593-75-1
enumeration CAS_85535-85-9
enumeration CAS_2385-85-5
enumeration CAS_86-73-7
enumeration CAS_23950-58-5
enumeration CAS_87-61-6
enumeration CAS_2440-02-0
enumeration CAS_87-65-0
enumeration CAS_24959-67-9
enumeration CAS_87-68-3
enumeration CAS_25057-89-0
enumeration CAS_87-86-5
enumeration CAS_25140-90-3
enumeration CAS_88-06-2
enumeration CAS_25167-83-3
enumeration CAS_88-85-7
enumeration CAS_25637-99-4
enumeration CAS_886-50-0
enumeration CAS_2599-11-3
enumeration CAS_90-12-0
enumeration CAS_262-12-4
enumeration CAS_91-20-3
enumeration CAS_26225-79-6
enumeration CAS_91-57-6
enumeration CAS_26259-45-0
enumeration CAS_919-86-8
enumeration CAS_28159-98-0
enumeration CAS_93-72-1
enumeration CAS_29122-68-7
enumeration CAS_93-76-5
enumeration CAS_2921-88-2
enumeration CAS_94-74-6
enumeration CAS_294-62-2
enumeration CAS_94-75-7
enumeration CAS_297-78-9
enumeration CAS_94-81-5
enumeration CAS_298-00-0
enumeration CAS_94-82-6
enumeration CAS_298-46-4
enumeration CAS_95-14-7
enumeration CAS_30125-63-4
enumeration CAS_95-47-6
enumeration CAS_309-00-2
enumeration CAS_95-48-7
enumeration CAS_31218-83-4
enumeration CAS_95-49-8
enumeration CAS_314-40-9
enumeration CAS_95-50-1
enumeration CAS_31508-00-6
enumeration CAS_95-63-6
enumeration CAS_319-84-6
enumeration CAS_95-65-8
enumeration CAS_319-85-7
enumeration CAS_95-87-4
enumeration CAS_319-86-8
enumeration CAS_95-95-4
enumeration CAS_3194-55-6
enumeration CAS_959-98-8
enumeration CAS_32241-08-0
enumeration CAS_96-12-8
enumeration CAS_32534-81-9
enumeration CAS_96-18-4
enumeration CAS_32536-52-0
enumeration CAS_96-45-7
enumeration CAS_32598-13-3
enumeration CAS_98-06-6
enumeration CAS_32598-14-4
enumeration CAS_98-51-1
enumeration CAS_3268-87-9
enumeration CAS_98-82-8
enumeration CAS_32774-16-6
enumeration CAS_99-87-6
enumeration CAS_330-54-1
enumeration CAS_994-05-8
enumeration CAS_330-55-2
enumeration EEA_00-00-0
enumeration CAS_3307-39-9
enumeration EEA_11-01-8
enumeration CAS_33213-65-9
enumeration EEA_11-02-9
enumeration CAS_333-41-5
enumeration EEA_11-03-0
enumeration CAS_335-67-1
enumeration EEA_11-04-1
enumeration CAS_33693-04-8
enumeration EEA_11-05-2
enumeration CAS_3380-34-5
enumeration EEA_11-06-3
enumeration CAS_3397-62-4
enumeration EEA_11-07-4
enumeration CAS_34123-59-6
enumeration EEA_123-01-3
enumeration CAS_3424-82-6
enumeration EEA_123-02-4
enumeration CAS_34256-82-1
enumeration EEA_123-03-5
enumeration CAS_35065-27-1
enumeration EEA_123-04-6
enumeration CAS_35065-28-2
enumeration EEA_123-05-7
enumeration CAS_35065-29-3
enumeration EEA_123-06-8
enumeration CAS_35065-30-6
enumeration EEA_123-07-9
enumeration CAS_35693-99-3
enumeration EEA_124-01-6
enumeration CAS_35694-08-7
enumeration EEA_124-02-7
enumeration CAS_35822-46-9
enumeration EEA_124-03-8
enumeration CAS_36065-30-2
enumeration EEA_124-04-9
enumeration CAS_36355-01-8
enumeration EEA_13-01-4
enumeration CAS_36483-60-0
enumeration EEA_13-02-5
enumeration CAS_36643-28-4
enumeration EEA_13-03-6
enumeration CAS_37350-58-6
enumeration EEA_13-04-7
enumeration CAS_37680-73-2
enumeration EEA_14-01-7
enumeration CAS_38380-08-4
enumeration EEA_14-02-8
enumeration CAS_39001-02-0
enumeration EEA_14-03-9
enumeration CAS_39227-28-6
enumeration EEA_14-04-0
enumeration CAS_39635-31-9
enumeration EEA_31-01-6
enumeration CAS_39765-80-5
enumeration EEA_31-02-7
enumeration CAS_40088-47-9
enumeration EEA_31-03-8
enumeration CAS_40321-76-4
enumeration EEA_3111-01-1
enumeration CAS_40487-42-1
enumeration EEA_3121-01-5
enumeration CAS_41318-75-6
enumeration EEA_3131-01-9
enumeration CAS_100-02-7
enumeration CAS_41394-05-2
enumeration EEA_3132-01-2
enumeration CAS_100-41-4
enumeration CAS_41464-42-0
enumeration EEA_3133-01-5
enumeration CAS_100-42-5
enumeration CAS_41859-67-0
enumeration EEA_3133-02-6
enumeration CAS_1002-53-5
enumeration CAS_4234-79-1
enumeration EEA_3133-03-7
enumeration CAS_10028-17-8
enumeration CAS_42576-02-3
enumeration EEA_3133-04-8
enumeration CAS_10061-01-5
enumeration CAS_4636-83-3
enumeration EEA_3133-05-9
enumeration CAS_10061-02-6
enumeration CAS_465-73-6
enumeration EEA_3133-06-0
enumeration CAS_1007-28-9
enumeration CAS_470-90-6
enumeration EEA_3141-01-3
enumeration CAS_101-55-3
enumeration CAS_4901-51-3
enumeration EEA_3142-01-6
enumeration CAS_1014-69-3
enumeration CAS_4904-61-4
enumeration EEA_3142-02-7
enumeration CAS_1024-57-3
enumeration CAS_50-00-0
enumeration EEA_3151-01-7
enumeration CAS_10265-92-6
enumeration CAS_50-28-2
enumeration EEA_3152-01-0
enumeration CAS_103-65-1
enumeration CAS_50-29-3
enumeration EEA_3153-01-3
enumeration CAS_104-40-5
enumeration CAS_50-30-6
enumeration EEA_3161-01-1
enumeration CAS_104-51-8
enumeration CAS_50-32-8
enumeration EEA_3161-02-2
enumeration CAS_105-67-9
enumeration CAS_50563-36-5
enumeration EEA_3161-03-3
enumeration CAS_106-42-3
enumeration CAS_51000-52-3
enumeration EEA_3161-04-4
enumeration CAS_106-43-4
enumeration CAS_512-04-9
enumeration EEA_3161-05-5
enumeration CAS_106-44-5
enumeration CAS_51207-31-9
enumeration EEA_3161-06-6
enumeration CAS_106-46-7
enumeration CAS_51218-45-2
enumeration EEA_31613-01-1
enumeration CAS_106-93-4
enumeration CAS_51235-04-2
enumeration EEA_31615-01-7
enumeration CAS_10605-21-7
enumeration CAS_52-51-7
enumeration EEA_3163-01-7
enumeration CAS_1066-51-9
enumeration CAS_52236-30-3
enumeration EEA_3164-01-0
enumeration CAS_107-06-2
enumeration CAS_52315-07-8
enumeration EEA_3164-07-6
enumeration CAS_107-13-1
enumeration CAS_526-75-0
enumeration EEA_3164-08-7
enumeration CAS_107-46-0
enumeration CAS_52645-53-1
enumeration EEA_32-02-0
enumeration CAS_1070-78-6
enumeration CAS_52663-72-6
enumeration EEA_32-03-1
enumeration CAS_1071-83-6
enumeration CAS_53-16-7
enumeration EEA_32-04-2
enumeration CAS_108-38-3
enumeration CAS_53-19-0
enumeration EEA_32-23-5
enumeration CAS_108-67-8
enumeration CAS_53-70-3
enumeration EEA_32-24-6
enumeration CAS_108-70-3
enumeration CAS_534-52-1
enumeration EEA_33-01-2
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureAnalysedFraction
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Select 'total' if the "procedureAnalysedMedia" value is 'sediment' or 'biota' or if it is 'water' and the unfiltered sample was analysed.

Select 'dissolved' if the "procedureAnalysedMedia" value is 'water' and the filtered fraction of the sample was analysed.

Select 'SPM' if the "procedureAnalysedMedia" value is 'water' and the suspended particulate matter of the sample was analysed.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Analysed fraction]]>
  <![CDATA[Specification of which fraction of the sample was analysed.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration dissolved
enumeration SPM
enumeration total
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureAnalysedMedia
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Identify the analysed media type ('biota', 'sediment' or 'water').

Please use the field "procedureAnalysedFraction" to further specify the fraction of the sample which was analysed ('total', 'dissolved', 'SPM').]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Analysed media]]>
  <![CDATA[Type of media monitored.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration biota
enumeration sediment
enumeration water
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultUom
  <![CDATA[This value is a required.

Please check the valid units for each determinand in the reporting guidance documents. Please note the difference between the determinand and the actual unit of measure. For example, the Nitrate should be reported as milligrams of Nitrogen per litre (mg{N}/L).

The codes follow the UCUM syntax (]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Unit of measure]]>
  <![CDATA[Unit of measure for the reported values.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration mg{SiO3}/L
enumeration ug/L
enumeration ug{N}/L
enumeration ng/L
enumeration kg/s
enumeration t/a
enumeration kg/a
enumeration {ratio}
enumeration {molarRatio}
enumeration {massRatio}
enumeration mg/kg
enumeration ug/kg
enumeration ng/kg
enumeration mg/g
enumeration ug/g
enumeration ng/g
enumeration ug{TEQ}/kg
enumeration {EQR}
enumeration {PSU}
enumeration [pH]
enumeration %
enumeration %{oxygenSaturation}
enumeration {presence}
enumeration s
enumeration d
enumeration mo
enumeration a
enumeration m
enumeration km
enumeration m2
enumeration km2
enumeration kg
enumeration mol
enumeration K
enumeration Cel
enumeration S/m
enumeration uS/cm
enumeration Bq
enumeration mol/m3
enumeration mmol/L
enumeration umol/L
enumeration umol{C}/L
enumeration umol{N}/L
enumeration umol{O2}/L
enumeration umol{P}/L
enumeration umol{S}/L
enumeration umol{Si}/L
enumeration kg/m3
enumeration mg/L
enumeration mg{C}/L
enumeration mg{CaCO3}/L
enumeration mg{N}/L
enumeration mg{NH3}/L
enumeration mg{NH4}/L
enumeration mg{NO2}/L
enumeration mg{NO3}/L
enumeration mg{O2}/L
enumeration mg{P}/L
enumeration mg{PO4}/L
enumeration mg{S}/L
enumeration mg{Si}/L
Used by
[ top ]
Element phenomenonTimeReferenceYear
  <![CDATA[This is a required, not null field.

Use the format YYYY.

Please check the EEA data collection request for the latest acceptable reference year.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Reference period (year)]]>
  <![CDATA[Reference year for annually aggregated data.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 4
minInclusive 1800
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterSamplingPeriod
  <![CDATA[Use the format YYYY-MM-DD--YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM--YYYY-MM (if the days are not exactly known or are not relevant).

If the the input data have been sampled during the entire year or is representative of the entire year, use the format YYYY-01-01--YYYY-12-31.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Sampling period]]>
  <![CDATA[The period of the year during which the data used for the aggregation were sampled.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 22
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureLOQValue
  <![CDATA[The LOQ is required for hazardous substances and requested for other determinands (if applicable).

When reporting aggregated data please report the highest LOQ of the samples used in the calculation.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Limit of quantification]]>
  <![CDATA[The smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%).]]>
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultNumberOfSamples
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of samples]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sample values included in the aggregated data.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
minInclusive 1
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityNumberOfSamplesBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[The value is required for hazardous substances and requested for other determinands (if applicable).]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of samples below LOQ]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sample values below LOQ included in the aggregated data.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Set the value to 'true' if the concentration value was below the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if the concentration was above or equal to the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if LOQs are not applicable to a specific determinand (e.g. pH or temperature).

A valid alternative to the default boolean values 'false' and 'true' are values '0' and '1', respectively.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Minimum value below LOQ]]>
  <![CDATA[Flag to indicate whether the minimum sample value used for the aggregation was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ).]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultMinimumValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the minimum concentration value of the input data used for the aggregation is below the limit of quantification, enter the limit of quantification itself into the "resultMinimumValue" field and set the field "resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ" to the value 'true' (or '1').]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Minimum value]]>
  <![CDATA[Minimum sample value of the data used for aggregation.]]>
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[This is a required, not null field.

Set the value to 'true' if the mean value is below the highest LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if the mean value is above or equal to the highest LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if LOQs are not applicable to a specific determinand (e.g. pH or temperature).

A valid alternative to the default boolean values 'false' and 'true' are values '0' and '1', respectively.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Mean value below LOQ]]>
  <![CDATA[Flag to indicate whether the mean value is below the highest LOQ.]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultMeanValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the calculated annual mean value of the measurements results is below the highest LOQ value, then report the highest LOQ value in the "resultMeanValue" field and report 'True'  (or '1') in the boolean "resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ" field.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Mean value]]>
  <![CDATA[Mean value of the data used for aggregation.]]>
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Set the value to 'true' if the concentration value was below the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if the concentration was above or equal to the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if LOQs are not applicable to a specific determinand (e.g. pH or temperature).

A valid alternative to the default boolean values 'false' and 'true' are values '0' and '1', respectively.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Maximum value below LOQ ]]>
  <![CDATA[Flag to indicate whether the maximum sample value used for the aggregation was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ).]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultMaximumValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the maximum concentration value of the input data used for the aggregation is below the limit of quantification, enter the limit of quantification itself into the "resultMaximumValue" field and set the field "resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ" to the value 'true' (or '1').]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Maximum value]]>
  <![CDATA[Maximum sample value of the data used for aggregation.
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Set the value to 'true' if the median value is below the highest LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if the median value is above or equal to the highest LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if LOQs are not applicable to a specific determinand (e.g. pH or temperature).

A valid alternative to the default boolean values 'false' and 'true' are values '0' and '1', respectively.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Median value below LOQ ]]>
  <![CDATA[Flag to indicate whether the median value is below the highest LOQ.]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultMedianValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the calculated annual median value of the measurements results is below the highest LOQ value, then report the highest LOQ value in the "resultMedianValue" field and report 'True' (or '1') in the boolean "resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ" field.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Median value]]>
  <![CDATA[Median value of the data used for aggregation.]]>
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultStandardDeviationValue
  <![CDATA[When calculating the sample standard deviation please note that values below the LOQ should be replaced by 0.5*LOQ.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Sample standard deviation value]]>
  <![CDATA[Standard deviation value of the data used for aggregation.
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureAnalyticalMethod
  <![CDATA[See the CEN/ISO code list for suggested values. If the option 'Other analytical method' is used, please describe the method in the field Remarks.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[CEN/ISO analytical method code]]>
  <![CDATA[CEN/ISO code of the analytical method.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 255
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterSampleDepth
  <![CDATA[Use the value 0 for surface samples.

When reporting aggregated data provide the average depth.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Sample depth]]>
  <![CDATA[Depth at which sample was taken in meter below water surface.]]>
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultObservationStatus
  <![CDATA[- Use the 'A' observation status flag to confirm that the given record is correct. It is not necessary to apply this flag for all valid records. It is intended for confirmation of extremely high or low values or for other special cases where confirmation is needed or is relevant.

The following four codes ('O', 'M', 'L', 'N') are applicable to missing or zero values:

- Use the 'O' observation status flag if the value is missing and no further information is available as to the reason why. Use it also to identify previously reported records that should be deleted.

- Use the 'M' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data cannot exist (e.g. the value can't be reported due to a missing observed value source in the respective spatial unit).

- Use the 'L' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data was not collected.

- Use the 'N' observation status flag if the value is missing because it isn't relevant or significant. 

Three codes ('W', 'X' and 'Y') describe situations where the specific source categories do not follow the standard definition:

- Use the 'W' observation status flag if the observed value for a specific source category is missing because the data is reported under other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories.

- Use the 'X' observation status flag if the reported value for a specific source category includes data from other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories represented by the reported value.

- Use the 'Y' observation status flag if the definition of a specific source category does not exactly match the standard definition, because it includes also other sources not belonging to the specific category. Use the "Remarks" field to provide additional information on the other sources.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Observation status flag]]>
  <![CDATA[Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration A
enumeration L
enumeration M
enumeration N
enumeration O
enumeration W
enumeration X
enumeration Y
Used by
[ top ]
Element Remarks
  <![CDATA[This field can be used to provide additional information about the record.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 255
Used by
[ top ]
Element AggregatedDataByWaterBody
  <![CDATA[water quality]]>
  <![CDATA[Annual statistics data by water body]]>
  <![CDATA[Annual mean values and other statistics of determinands on water quality, by water body.]]>
  <![CDATA[Annual mean values and other statistics of determinands on water quality, by water body.]]>
  <![CDATA[Annually aggregated data by groundwater body is accepted only for selected determinands – nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and dissolved oxygen – although reporting of these determinands in the disaggregated data structure is strongly preferred.

Each record in this table must have a unique combination of the values in the fields "waterBodyIdentifier", "waterBodyIdentifierScheme", "observedPropertyDeterminandCode", "procedureAnalysedFraction", "procedureAnalysedMedia" and "phenomenonTimeReferenceYear".

The water body is uniquely identified by combination of values in the fields "waterBodyIdentifier" and "waterBodyIdentifierScheme". 
The water body identifier should be present in the list of water bodies ( that is kept updated with the data reported under the WISE Spatial Data and/or the WFD 2016 Spatial data flows.

Select the adequate unit of measure according to the type of the determinand.

When preparing annually aggregated data, sample concentrations below the limits of quantification must be treated in accordance to the QA/QC Directive (Commission directive 2009/90/EC of 31 July 2009 laying down, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status):

- If a sample concentration value is below the limit of quantification, then it must be replaced with a value equivalent to HALF THE LIMIT OF QUANTIFICATION value;

- If the calculated annual mean value of the measurements results is below the limit of quantification value, then report the limit of quantification value in the "resultMeanValue" field and report 'True' (or '1') in the boolean "resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ" field.

- Use the same rule when calculating and reporting the minimum, maximum and median values.

- If the samples in the calculation had different limits of quantification, then the highest of the different LOQ values must be used.

The aggregation process should consist of two phases: first, calculate the annual mean value by monitoring site; then use the results to calculate the annual mean value by water body. Using this approach, the influence of different number of sample at monitoring site level is eliminated.]]>
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#AggregatedDataByWaterBody_Row
content complex
Used by
Children Row
<AggregatedDataByWaterBody xmlns="">
  <Row status="">{1,unbounded}</Row>
[ top ]
Element AggregatedDataByWaterBody / Row
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#AggregatedDataByWaterBody_AggregatedDataByWaterBody_Row_status wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#waterBodyIdentifier wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#waterBodyIdentifierScheme wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_parameterWaterBodyCategory wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_observedPropertyDeterminandCode wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_procedureAnalysedFraction wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_procedureAnalysedMedia wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultUom wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_phenomenonTimeReferenceYear wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_parameterSamplingPeriod wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_procedureLOQValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultNumberOfSamples wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultQualityNumberOfSamplesBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultMinimumValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultMeanValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultMaximumValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultMedianValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultStandardDeviationValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultNumberOfSitesClass1 wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultNumberOfSitesClass2 wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultNumberOfSitesClass3 wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultNumberOfSitesClass4 wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultNumberOfSitesClass5 wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_resultObservationStatus wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_813_Remarks
content complex
minOccurs 1
maxOccurs unbounded
Children Remarks, observedPropertyDeterminandCode, parameterSamplingPeriod, parameterWaterBodyCategory, phenomenonTimeReferenceYear, procedureAnalysedFraction, procedureAnalysedMedia, procedureLOQValue, resultMaximumValue, resultMeanValue, resultMedianValue, resultMinimumValue, resultNumberOfSamples, resultNumberOfSitesClass1, resultNumberOfSitesClass2, resultNumberOfSitesClass3, resultNumberOfSitesClass4, resultNumberOfSitesClass5, resultObservationStatus, resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ, resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ, resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ, resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ, resultQualityNumberOfSamplesBelowLOQ, resultStandardDeviationValue, resultUom, waterBodyIdentifier, waterBodyIdentifierScheme
<Row status="" xmlns="" xmlns:dd813="">
QName Type Use
status xs:string optional
[ top ]
Element waterBodyIdentifier
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the water body was reported as a WFD water body, enter the WFD identifier of the water body (EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode for rivers and lakes water bodies, EUGroundwaterBodyCode for groundwater bodies).

If the water body was not reported as a WFD water body, enter the EIONET international identifier of the water body.

The "waterBodyIdentifier" is a unique value in the list of water bodies for a given "waterBodyIdentifierScheme". For each "waterBodyIdentifierSheme" value, a list of valid "waterBodyIdentifier" values will be kept updated, based on the information reported under the WISE Spatial data flow.

First 2 characters must be the 2-alpha character ISO country code (use 'EL' for Greece and 'UK' for the United Kingdom).

Do not use characters with accents and other diacritical marks (national characters). Do not use spaces or other special characters. The hyphen '-' and the underscore '_' characters are allowed.

An EIONET identifier can be created by prefixing the national water body identifier with the 2-alpha character ISO country code.
Example: country: Austria, national water body identifier: WB_abc => "waterBodyIdentifier": ATWB_abc

Please guarantee that the "waterBodyIdentifier" is unique and exists in the applicable "waterBodyIdentifierScheme".]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body identifier]]>
  <![CDATA[Unique international identifier of the water body in which the data were obtained.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 3
maxLength 42
Used by
[ top ]
Element waterBodyIdentifierScheme
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the water body is reported under WFD, use the value 'euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode' for the "waterBodyIdentifierScheme" field.

If the water body is NOT reported under WFD (e.g. non-EU countries reporting under WISE SoE only, or countries providing information about water bodies that are not WFD water bodies), use the value 'eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode' for the "waterBodyIdentifierScheme" field.

For each identifier scheme, a list of valid "waterBodyIdentifier" values will be kept updated, based on the information reported under the WISE Spatial data flow.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body identifier scheme]]>
  <![CDATA[Specification of whether the water body is a WFD water body ('euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode') or not ('eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode').]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration eionetGroundwaterBodyCode
enumeration eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode
enumeration euGroundwaterBodyCode
enumeration euSurfaceWaterBodyCode
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterWaterBodyCategory
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code, as defined in the codelist.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration CW
enumeration GW
enumeration LW
enumeration RW
enumeration TeW
enumeration TW
Used by
[ top ]
Element observedPropertyDeterminandCode
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Please note that CAS numbers are used where applicable. In the other cases a EEA generated code is used. Prefix "CAS_" is used for the unique codes based on the CAS number, prefix "EEA_" for the EEA codes.

The structure of the EEA code is similar to that of the CAS number:
- The first set of digits identifies the WFD quality element
- The second set of digits is a sequential number
- The last digit is a check digit.

This list is also used in the WFD reporting.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Determinand code]]>
  <![CDATA[Unique code of the determinand monitored, as defined in the codelist.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration CAS_108-86-1
enumeration CAS_540-59-0
enumeration EEA_33-02-3
enumeration CAS_108-88-3
enumeration CAS_541-73-1
enumeration EEA_33-04-5
enumeration CAS_108-90-7
enumeration CAS_5436-43-1
enumeration EEA_33-05-6
enumeration CAS_108-95-2
enumeration CAS_5466-77-3
enumeration EEA_33-06-7
enumeration CAS_1113-02-6
enumeration CAS_55512-33-9
enumeration EEA_33-07-8
enumeration CAS_111988-49-9
enumeration CAS_55525-54-7
enumeration EEA_33-08-9
enumeration CAS_112410-23-8
enumeration CAS_55673-89-7
enumeration EEA_33-09-0
enumeration CAS_114-07-8
enumeration CAS_5598-13-0
enumeration EEA_33-10-3
enumeration CAS_115-29-7
enumeration CAS_56-23-5
enumeration EEA_33-11-4
enumeration CAS_115-32-2
enumeration CAS_56-38-2
enumeration EEA_33-13-6
enumeration CAS_1163-19-5
enumeration CAS_56-55-3
enumeration EEA_33-14-7
enumeration CAS_117-81-7
enumeration CAS_563-58-6
enumeration EEA_33-15-8
enumeration CAS_118-74-1
enumeration CAS_56507-37-0
enumeration EEA_33-17-0
enumeration CAS_118-96-7
enumeration CAS_57-12-5
enumeration EEA_33-18-1
enumeration CAS_1194-65-6
enumeration CAS_57-63-6
enumeration EEA_33-19-2
enumeration CAS_120-12-7
enumeration CAS_57-74-9
enumeration EEA_33-20-5
enumeration CAS_120-36-5
enumeration CAS_57117-31-4
enumeration EEA_33-21-6
enumeration CAS_120-82-1
enumeration CAS_57117-41-6
enumeration EEA_33-22-7
enumeration CAS_120-83-2
enumeration CAS_57117-44-9
enumeration EEA_33-23-8
enumeration CAS_12002-48-1
enumeration CAS_57465-28-8
enumeration EEA_33-24-9
enumeration CAS_120928-09-8
enumeration CAS_576-26-1
enumeration EEA_33-26-1
enumeration CAS_121-14-2
enumeration CAS_57653-85-7
enumeration EEA_33-27-2
enumeration CAS_121-75-5
enumeration CAS_57837-19-1
enumeration EEA_33-28-3
enumeration CAS_122-14-5
enumeration CAS_58-08-2
enumeration EEA_33-29-4
enumeration CAS_122-34-9
enumeration CAS_58-89-9
enumeration EEA_33-31-8
enumeration CAS_123-33-1
enumeration CAS_58-90-2
enumeration EEA_33-32-9
enumeration CAS_1231244-60-2
enumeration CAS_59-50-7
enumeration EEA_33-36-3
enumeration CAS_124-48-1
enumeration CAS_5915-41-3
enumeration EEA_33-38-5
enumeration CAS_124495-18-7
enumeration CAS_594-20-7
enumeration EEA_33-41-0
enumeration CAS_127-18-4
enumeration CAS_59473-04-0
enumeration EEA_33-42-1
enumeration CAS_12767-79-2
enumeration CAS_60-00-4
enumeration EEA_33-43-2
enumeration CAS_128-37-0
enumeration CAS_60-51-5
enumeration EEA_33-44-3
enumeration CAS_129-00-0
enumeration CAS_60-57-1
enumeration EEA_33-45-4
enumeration CAS_13071-79-9
enumeration CAS_60145-21-3
enumeration EEA_33-46-5
enumeration CAS_131-11-3
enumeration CAS_60207-90-1
enumeration EEA_33-50-1
enumeration CAS_131-16-8
enumeration CAS_603-35-0
enumeration EEA_33-51-2
enumeration CAS_131-18-0
enumeration CAS_60348-60-9
enumeration EEA_33-52-3
enumeration CAS_1321-64-8
enumeration CAS_608-73-1
enumeration EEA_33-53-4
enumeration CAS_1321-65-9
enumeration CAS_608-93-5
enumeration EEA_33-54-5
enumeration CAS_133-06-2
enumeration CAS_60851-34-5
enumeration EEA_33-55-6
enumeration CAS_133-53-9
enumeration CAS_6108-10-7
enumeration EEA_33-56-7
enumeration CAS_1330-20-7
enumeration CAS_6164-98-3
enumeration EEA_33-57-8
enumeration CAS_1333-82-0
enumeration CAS_6190-65-4
enumeration EEA_33-58-9
enumeration CAS_1335-87-1
enumeration CAS_62-73-7
enumeration EEA_34-01-5
enumeration CAS_1335-88-2
enumeration CAS_630-20-6
enumeration CAS_13351-73-0
enumeration CAS_6339-19-1
enumeration CAS_13356-08-6
enumeration CAS_64743-03-9
enumeration CAS_1336-36-3
enumeration CAS_64902-72-3
enumeration CAS_133855-98-8
enumeration CAS_65510-44-3
enumeration CAS_134-62-3
enumeration CAS_66753-07-9
enumeration CAS_134237-50-6
enumeration CAS_67-66-3
enumeration CAS_134237-51-7
enumeration CAS_67129-08-2
enumeration CAS_134237-52-8
enumeration CAS_67562-39-4
enumeration CAS_135-19-3
enumeration CAS_67564-91-4
enumeration CAS_135-98-8
enumeration CAS_68631-49-2
enumeration CAS_135410-20-7
enumeration CAS_68928-80-3
enumeration CAS_136-85-6
enumeration CAS_69782-90-7
enumeration CAS_136426-54-5
enumeration CAS_7012-37-5
enumeration CAS_136677-10-6
enumeration CAS_70124-77-5
enumeration CAS_13684-56-5
enumeration CAS_70362-41-3
enumeration CAS_137-26-8
enumeration CAS_70362-50-4
enumeration CAS_137-30-4
enumeration CAS_70630-17-0
enumeration CAS_138261-41-3
enumeration CAS_70648-26-9
enumeration CAS_139-13-9
enumeration CAS_70776-03-3
enumeration CAS_139-40-2
enumeration CAS_7085-19-0
enumeration CAS_140-57-8
enumeration CAS_71-43-2
enumeration CAS_140-66-9
enumeration CAS_71-52-3
enumeration CAS_141776-32-1
enumeration CAS_71-55-6
enumeration CAS_142-28-9
enumeration CAS_72-20-8
enumeration CAS_142363-53-9
enumeration CAS_72-43-5
enumeration CAS_14265-44-2
enumeration CAS_72-54-8
enumeration CAS_143-50-0
enumeration CAS_72-55-9
enumeration CAS_144-49-0
enumeration CAS_723-46-6
enumeration CAS_14797-55-8
enumeration CAS_7286-69-3
enumeration CAS_14797-65-0
enumeration CAS_7287-19-6
enumeration CAS_14798-03-9
enumeration CAS_72918-21-9
enumeration CAS_151-21-3
enumeration CAS_732-26-3
enumeration CAS_15165-67-0
enumeration CAS_738-70-5
enumeration CAS_152019-73-3
enumeration CAS_74-83-9
enumeration CAS_15307-79-6
enumeration CAS_74-90-8
enumeration CAS_15307-86-5
enumeration CAS_74-95-3
enumeration CAS_153719-23-4
enumeration CAS_74-97-5
enumeration CAS_15541-45-4
enumeration CAS_74070-46-5
enumeration CAS_15545-48-9
enumeration CAS_74223-64-6
enumeration CAS_156-59-2
enumeration CAS_7429-90-5
enumeration CAS_156-60-5
enumeration CAS_7439-89-6
enumeration CAS_1563-66-2
enumeration CAS_7439-92-1
enumeration CAS_15687-27-1
enumeration CAS_7439-93-2
enumeration CAS_1570-64-5
enumeration CAS_7439-95-4
enumeration CAS_1570-65-6
enumeration CAS_7439-96-5
enumeration CAS_1582-09-8
enumeration CAS_7439-97-6
enumeration CAS_15972-60-8
enumeration CAS_7439-98-7
enumeration CAS_1610-18-0
enumeration CAS_7440-02-0
enumeration CAS_16118-49-3
enumeration CAS_7440-09-7
enumeration CAS_1634-04-4
enumeration CAS_7440-22-4
enumeration CAS_16478-18-5
enumeration CAS_7440-23-5
enumeration CAS_16484-77-8
enumeration CAS_7440-24-6
enumeration CAS_16655-82-6
enumeration CAS_7440-28-0
enumeration CAS_16672-87-0
enumeration CAS_7440-31-5
enumeration CAS_16752-77-5
enumeration CAS_7440-32-6
enumeration CAS_16887-00-6
enumeration CAS_7440-33-7
enumeration CAS_1689-83-4
enumeration CAS_7440-36-0
enumeration CAS_1689-84-5
enumeration CAS_7440-38-2
enumeration CAS_1689-99-2
enumeration CAS_7440-39-3
enumeration CAS_1698-60-8
enumeration CAS_7440-41-7
enumeration CAS_16984-48-8
enumeration CAS_7440-42-8
enumeration CAS_1702-17-6
enumeration CAS_7440-43-9
enumeration CAS_17040-19-6
enumeration CAS_7440-47-3
enumeration CAS_171118-09-5
enumeration CAS_7440-48-4
enumeration CAS_171262-17-2
enumeration CAS_7440-50-8
enumeration CAS_17254-80-7
enumeration CAS_7440-61-1
enumeration CAS_172960-62-2
enumeration CAS_7440-62-2
enumeration CAS_1746-01-6
enumeration CAS_7440-66-6
enumeration CAS_1763-23-1
enumeration CAS_7440-70-2
enumeration CAS_1806-26-4
enumeration CAS_74472-37-0
enumeration CAS_18181-70-9
enumeration CAS_75-01-4
enumeration CAS_182346-21-0
enumeration CAS_75-09-2
enumeration CAS_1825-21-4
enumeration CAS_75-25-2
enumeration CAS_182677-30-1
enumeration CAS_75-27-4
enumeration CAS_1836-75-5
enumeration CAS_75-34-3
enumeration CAS_1861-40-1
enumeration CAS_75-35-4
enumeration CAS_187022-11-3
enumeration CAS_75-69-4
enumeration CAS_18785-72-3
enumeration CAS_75-71-8
enumeration CAS_189084-64-8
enumeration CAS_75-99-0
enumeration CAS_191-24-2
enumeration CAS_76-03-9
enumeration CAS_1912-24-9
enumeration CAS_76-44-8
enumeration CAS_1912-26-1
enumeration CAS_77-47-4
enumeration CAS_1918-00-9
enumeration CAS_7723-14-0
enumeration CAS_1918-13-4
enumeration CAS_7782-41-4
enumeration CAS_193-39-5
enumeration CAS_7782-49-2
enumeration CAS_19408-74-3
enumeration CAS_7783-06-4
enumeration CAS_194992-44-4
enumeration CAS_78-87-5
enumeration CAS_19666-30-9
enumeration CAS_789-02-6
enumeration CAS_2008-58-4
enumeration CAS_79-00-5
enumeration CAS_2032-65-7
enumeration CAS_79-01-6
enumeration CAS_20461-54-5
enumeration CAS_79-34-5
enumeration CAS_205-99-2
enumeration CAS_79-94-7
enumeration CAS_2051-24-3
enumeration CAS_793-24-8
enumeration CAS_206-44-0
enumeration CAS_80-05-7
enumeration CAS_207-08-9
enumeration CAS_8001-35-2
enumeration CAS_207122-15-4
enumeration CAS_81-15-2
enumeration CAS_208-96-8
enumeration CAS_81103-11-9
enumeration CAS_2104-64-5
enumeration CAS_82-68-8
enumeration CAS_21087-64-9
enumeration CAS_83-32-9
enumeration CAS_210880-92-5
enumeration CAS_83164-33-4
enumeration CAS_2163-68-0
enumeration CAS_834-12-8
enumeration CAS_2164-08-1
enumeration CAS_83905-01-5
enumeration CAS_21725-46-2
enumeration CAS_84-66-2
enumeration CAS_218-01-9
enumeration CAS_84-69-5
enumeration CAS_22204-53-1
enumeration CAS_84-74-2
enumeration CAS_2227-13-6
enumeration CAS_84852-15-3
enumeration CAS_2234-13-1
enumeration CAS_85-01-8
enumeration CAS_2303-17-5
enumeration CAS_85-22-3
enumeration CAS_2310-17-0
enumeration CAS_85-68-7
enumeration CAS_23103-98-2
enumeration CAS_85535-84-8
enumeration CAS_23593-75-1
enumeration CAS_85535-85-9
enumeration CAS_2385-85-5
enumeration CAS_86-73-7
enumeration CAS_23950-58-5
enumeration CAS_87-61-6
enumeration CAS_2440-02-0
enumeration CAS_87-65-0
enumeration CAS_24959-67-9
enumeration CAS_87-68-3
enumeration CAS_25057-89-0
enumeration CAS_87-86-5
enumeration CAS_25140-90-3
enumeration CAS_88-06-2
enumeration CAS_25167-83-3
enumeration CAS_88-85-7
enumeration CAS_25637-99-4
enumeration CAS_886-50-0
enumeration CAS_2599-11-3
enumeration CAS_90-12-0
enumeration CAS_262-12-4
enumeration CAS_91-20-3
enumeration CAS_26225-79-6
enumeration CAS_91-57-6
enumeration CAS_26259-45-0
enumeration CAS_919-86-8
enumeration CAS_28159-98-0
enumeration CAS_93-72-1
enumeration CAS_29122-68-7
enumeration CAS_93-76-5
enumeration CAS_2921-88-2
enumeration CAS_94-74-6
enumeration CAS_294-62-2
enumeration CAS_94-75-7
enumeration CAS_297-78-9
enumeration CAS_94-81-5
enumeration CAS_298-00-0
enumeration CAS_94-82-6
enumeration CAS_298-46-4
enumeration CAS_95-14-7
enumeration CAS_30125-63-4
enumeration CAS_95-47-6
enumeration CAS_309-00-2
enumeration CAS_95-48-7
enumeration CAS_31218-83-4
enumeration CAS_95-49-8
enumeration CAS_314-40-9
enumeration CAS_95-50-1
enumeration CAS_31508-00-6
enumeration CAS_95-63-6
enumeration CAS_319-84-6
enumeration CAS_95-65-8
enumeration CAS_319-85-7
enumeration CAS_95-87-4
enumeration CAS_319-86-8
enumeration CAS_95-95-4
enumeration CAS_3194-55-6
enumeration CAS_959-98-8
enumeration CAS_32241-08-0
enumeration CAS_96-12-8
enumeration CAS_32534-81-9
enumeration CAS_96-18-4
enumeration CAS_32536-52-0
enumeration CAS_96-45-7
enumeration CAS_32598-13-3
enumeration CAS_98-06-6
enumeration CAS_32598-14-4
enumeration CAS_98-51-1
enumeration CAS_3268-87-9
enumeration CAS_98-82-8
enumeration CAS_32774-16-6
enumeration CAS_99-87-6
enumeration CAS_330-54-1
enumeration CAS_994-05-8
enumeration CAS_330-55-2
enumeration EEA_00-00-0
enumeration CAS_3307-39-9
enumeration EEA_11-01-8
enumeration CAS_33213-65-9
enumeration EEA_11-02-9
enumeration CAS_333-41-5
enumeration EEA_11-03-0
enumeration CAS_335-67-1
enumeration EEA_11-04-1
enumeration CAS_33693-04-8
enumeration EEA_11-05-2
enumeration CAS_3380-34-5
enumeration EEA_11-06-3
enumeration CAS_3397-62-4
enumeration EEA_11-07-4
enumeration CAS_34123-59-6
enumeration EEA_123-01-3
enumeration CAS_3424-82-6
enumeration EEA_123-02-4
enumeration CAS_34256-82-1
enumeration EEA_123-03-5
enumeration CAS_35065-27-1
enumeration EEA_123-04-6
enumeration CAS_35065-28-2
enumeration EEA_123-05-7
enumeration CAS_35065-29-3
enumeration EEA_123-06-8
enumeration CAS_35065-30-6
enumeration EEA_123-07-9
enumeration CAS_35693-99-3
enumeration EEA_124-01-6
enumeration CAS_35694-08-7
enumeration EEA_124-02-7
enumeration CAS_35822-46-9
enumeration EEA_124-03-8
enumeration CAS_36065-30-2
enumeration EEA_124-04-9
enumeration CAS_36355-01-8
enumeration EEA_13-01-4
enumeration CAS_36483-60-0
enumeration EEA_13-02-5
enumeration CAS_36643-28-4
enumeration EEA_13-03-6
enumeration CAS_37350-58-6
enumeration EEA_13-04-7
enumeration CAS_37680-73-2
enumeration EEA_14-01-7
enumeration CAS_38380-08-4
enumeration EEA_14-02-8
enumeration CAS_39001-02-0
enumeration EEA_14-03-9
enumeration CAS_39227-28-6
enumeration EEA_14-04-0
enumeration CAS_39635-31-9
enumeration EEA_31-01-6
enumeration CAS_39765-80-5
enumeration EEA_31-02-7
enumeration CAS_40088-47-9
enumeration EEA_31-03-8
enumeration CAS_40321-76-4
enumeration EEA_3111-01-1
enumeration CAS_40487-42-1
enumeration EEA_3121-01-5
enumeration CAS_41318-75-6
enumeration EEA_3131-01-9
enumeration CAS_100-02-7
enumeration CAS_41394-05-2
enumeration EEA_3132-01-2
enumeration CAS_100-41-4
enumeration CAS_41464-42-0
enumeration EEA_3133-01-5
enumeration CAS_100-42-5
enumeration CAS_41859-67-0
enumeration EEA_3133-02-6
enumeration CAS_1002-53-5
enumeration CAS_4234-79-1
enumeration EEA_3133-03-7
enumeration CAS_10028-17-8
enumeration CAS_42576-02-3
enumeration EEA_3133-04-8
enumeration CAS_10061-01-5
enumeration CAS_4636-83-3
enumeration EEA_3133-05-9
enumeration CAS_10061-02-6
enumeration CAS_465-73-6
enumeration EEA_3133-06-0
enumeration CAS_1007-28-9
enumeration CAS_470-90-6
enumeration EEA_3141-01-3
enumeration CAS_101-55-3
enumeration CAS_4901-51-3
enumeration EEA_3142-01-6
enumeration CAS_1014-69-3
enumeration CAS_4904-61-4
enumeration EEA_3142-02-7
enumeration CAS_1024-57-3
enumeration CAS_50-00-0
enumeration EEA_3151-01-7
enumeration CAS_10265-92-6
enumeration CAS_50-28-2
enumeration EEA_3152-01-0
enumeration CAS_103-65-1
enumeration CAS_50-29-3
enumeration EEA_3153-01-3
enumeration CAS_104-40-5
enumeration CAS_50-30-6
enumeration EEA_3161-01-1
enumeration CAS_104-51-8
enumeration CAS_50-32-8
enumeration EEA_3161-02-2
enumeration CAS_105-67-9
enumeration CAS_50563-36-5
enumeration EEA_3161-03-3
enumeration CAS_106-42-3
enumeration CAS_51000-52-3
enumeration EEA_3161-04-4
enumeration CAS_106-43-4
enumeration CAS_512-04-9
enumeration EEA_3161-05-5
enumeration CAS_106-44-5
enumeration CAS_51207-31-9
enumeration EEA_3161-06-6
enumeration CAS_106-46-7
enumeration CAS_51218-45-2
enumeration EEA_31613-01-1
enumeration CAS_106-93-4
enumeration CAS_51235-04-2
enumeration EEA_31615-01-7
enumeration CAS_10605-21-7
enumeration CAS_52-51-7
enumeration EEA_3163-01-7
enumeration CAS_1066-51-9
enumeration CAS_52236-30-3
enumeration EEA_3164-01-0
enumeration CAS_107-06-2
enumeration CAS_52315-07-8
enumeration EEA_3164-07-6
enumeration CAS_107-13-1
enumeration CAS_526-75-0
enumeration EEA_3164-08-7
enumeration CAS_107-46-0
enumeration CAS_52645-53-1
enumeration EEA_32-02-0
enumeration CAS_1070-78-6
enumeration CAS_52663-72-6
enumeration EEA_32-03-1
enumeration CAS_1071-83-6
enumeration CAS_53-16-7
enumeration EEA_32-04-2
enumeration CAS_108-38-3
enumeration CAS_53-19-0
enumeration EEA_32-23-5
enumeration CAS_108-67-8
enumeration CAS_53-70-3
enumeration EEA_32-24-6
enumeration CAS_108-70-3
enumeration CAS_534-52-1
enumeration EEA_33-01-2
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureAnalysedFraction
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Select 'total' if the "procedureAnalysedMedia" value is 'sediment' or 'biota' or if it is 'water' and the unfiltered sample was analysed.

Select 'dissolved' if the "procedureAnalysedMedia" value is 'water' and the filtered fraction of the sample was analysed.

Select 'SPM' if the "procedureAnalysedMedia" value is 'water' and the suspended particulate matter of the sample was analysed.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Analysed fraction]]>
  <![CDATA[Specification of which fraction of the sample was analysed.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration dissolved
enumeration SPM
enumeration total
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureAnalysedMedia
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Identify the analysed media type ('biota', 'sediment' or 'water').

Please use the field "procedureAnalysedFraction" to further specify the fraction of the sample which was analysed ('total', 'dissolved', 'SPM').]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Analysed media]]>
  <![CDATA[Type of media monitored.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration biota
enumeration sediment
enumeration water
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultUom
  <![CDATA[This value is a required.

Please check the valid units for each determinand in the reporting guidance documents. Please note the difference between the determinand and the actual unit of measure. For example, the Nitrate should be reported as milligrams of Nitrogen per litre (mg{N}/L).

The codes follow the UCUM syntax (]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Unit of measure]]>
  <![CDATA[Unit of measure for the reported values.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration mg{SiO3}/L
enumeration ug/L
enumeration ug{N}/L
enumeration ng/L
enumeration kg/s
enumeration t/a
enumeration kg/a
enumeration {ratio}
enumeration {molarRatio}
enumeration {massRatio}
enumeration mg/kg
enumeration ug/kg
enumeration ng/kg
enumeration mg/g
enumeration ug/g
enumeration ng/g
enumeration ug{TEQ}/kg
enumeration {EQR}
enumeration {PSU}
enumeration [pH]
enumeration %
enumeration %{oxygenSaturation}
enumeration {presence}
enumeration s
enumeration d
enumeration mo
enumeration a
enumeration m
enumeration km
enumeration m2
enumeration km2
enumeration kg
enumeration mol
enumeration K
enumeration Cel
enumeration S/m
enumeration uS/cm
enumeration Bq
enumeration mol/m3
enumeration mmol/L
enumeration umol/L
enumeration umol{C}/L
enumeration umol{N}/L
enumeration umol{O2}/L
enumeration umol{P}/L
enumeration umol{S}/L
enumeration umol{Si}/L
enumeration kg/m3
enumeration mg/L
enumeration mg{C}/L
enumeration mg{CaCO3}/L
enumeration mg{N}/L
enumeration mg{NH3}/L
enumeration mg{NH4}/L
enumeration mg{NO2}/L
enumeration mg{NO3}/L
enumeration mg{O2}/L
enumeration mg{P}/L
enumeration mg{PO4}/L
enumeration mg{S}/L
enumeration mg{Si}/L
Used by
[ top ]
Element phenomenonTimeReferenceYear
  <![CDATA[This is a required, not null field.

Use the format YYYY.

Please check the EEA data collection request for the latest acceptable reference year.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Reference period (year)]]>
  <![CDATA[Reference year for annually aggregated data.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 4
minInclusive 1800
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterSamplingPeriod
  <![CDATA[Use the format YYYY-MM-DD--YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM--YYYY-MM (if the days are not exactly known or are not relevant).

If the the input data have been sampled during the entire year or is representative of the entire year, use the format YYYY-01-01--YYYY-12-31.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Sampling period]]>
  <![CDATA[The period of the year during which the data used for the aggregation were sampled.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 22
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureLOQValue
  <![CDATA[The LOQ is required for hazardous substances and requested for other determinands (if applicable).

When reporting aggregated data please report the highest LOQ of the samples used in the calculation.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Limit of quantification]]>
  <![CDATA[The smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%).]]>
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultNumberOfSamples
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of samples]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sample values included in the aggregated data.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
minInclusive 1
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityNumberOfSamplesBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[The value is required for hazardous substances and requested for other determinands (if applicable).]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of samples below LOQ]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sample values below LOQ included in the aggregated data.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Set the value to 'true' if the concentration value was below the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if the concentration was above or equal to the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if LOQs are not applicable to a specific determinand (e.g. pH or temperature).

A valid alternative to the default boolean values 'false' and 'true' are values '0' and '1', respectively.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Minimum value below LOQ]]>
  <![CDATA[Flag to indicate whether the minimum sample value used for the aggregation was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ).]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultMinimumValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the minimum concentration value of the input data used for the aggregation is below the limit of quantification, enter the limit of quantification itself into the "resultMinimumValue" field and set the field "resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ" to the value 'true' (or '1').]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Minimum value]]>
  <![CDATA[Minimum sample value of the data used for aggregation.]]>
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[This is a required, not null field.

Set the value to 'true' if the mean value is below the highest LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if the mean value is above or equal to the highest LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if LOQs are not applicable to a specific determinand (e.g. pH or temperature).

A valid alternative to the default boolean values 'false' and 'true' are values '0' and '1', respectively.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Mean value below LOQ]]>
  <![CDATA[Flag to indicate whether the mean value is below the highest LOQ.]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultMeanValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the calculated annual mean value of the measurements results is below the highest LOQ value, then report the highest LOQ value in the "resultMeanValue" field and report 'True'  (or '1') in the boolean "resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ" field.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Mean value]]>
  <![CDATA[Mean value of the data used for aggregation.]]>
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Set the value to 'true' if the concentration value was below the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if the concentration was above or equal to the LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if LOQs are not applicable to a specific determinand (e.g. pH or temperature).

A valid alternative to the default boolean values 'false' and 'true' are values '0' and '1', respectively.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Maximum value below LOQ ]]>
  <![CDATA[Flag to indicate whether the maximum sample value used for the aggregation was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ).]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultMaximumValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the maximum concentration value of the input data used for the aggregation is below the limit of quantification, enter the limit of quantification itself into the "resultMaximumValue" field and set the field "resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ" to the value 'true' (or '1').]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Maximum value]]>
  <![CDATA[Maximum sample value of the data used for aggregation.
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

Set the value to 'true' if the median value is below the highest LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if the median value is above or equal to the highest LOQ.

Set the value to 'false' if LOQs are not applicable to a specific determinand (e.g. pH or temperature).

A valid alternative to the default boolean values 'false' and 'true' are values '0' and '1', respectively.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Median value below LOQ ]]>
  <![CDATA[Flag to indicate whether the median value is below the highest LOQ.]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultMedianValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the calculated annual median value of the measurements results is below the highest LOQ value, then report the highest LOQ value in the "resultMedianValue" field and report 'True' (or '1') in the boolean "resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ" field.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Median value]]>
  <![CDATA[Median value of the data used for aggregation.]]>
Type xs:float
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultStandardDeviationValue
  <![CDATA[When calculating the sample standard deviation please note that values below the LOQ should be replaced by 0.5*LOQ.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Sample standard deviation value]]>
  <![CDATA[Standard deviation value of the data used for aggregation.
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultNumberOfSitesClass1
  <![CDATA[Required for nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and dissolved oxygen in groundwater only.

The Class 1 boundaries for the individual determinands are defined as follows:
- Ammonium <= 0.1 mg/l
- Dissolved Oxygen <= 2 mg/l
- Nitrate <= 10 mg/l
- Nitrite <= 0.01 mg/l]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sites in Class 1 ]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 1 boundaries.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultNumberOfSitesClass2
  <![CDATA[Required for nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and dissolved oxygen in groundwater only.

The Class 2 boundaries for the individual determinands are defined as follows:
- Ammonium between > 0.1 and <= 0.3 mg/l
- Dissolved Oxygen between > 2 and <= 5 mg/l
- Nitrate between > 10 and <= 25 mg/l
- Nitrite between > 0.01 and <= 0.03 mg/l]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sites in Class 2 ]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 2 boundaries.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultNumberOfSitesClass3
  <![CDATA[Required for nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and dissolved oxygen in groundwater only.

The Class 3 boundaries for the individual determinands are defined as follows:
- Ammonium between > 0.3 and <= 0.5 mg/l
- Dissolved Oxygen > 5 mg/l
- Nitrate between > 25 and <= 50 mg/l
- Nitrite between > 0.03 and <= 0.06 mg/l
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sites in Class 3]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 3 boundaries.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultNumberOfSitesClass4
  <![CDATA[Required for nitrate, nitrite and ammonium in groundwater only.

The Class 4 boundaries for the individual determinands are defined as follows:
- Ammonium > 0.5 mg/l
- Dissolved Oxygen - not relevant, keep blank
- Nitrate > 50 mg/l
- Nitrite between > 0.06 and <= 0.1 mg/l]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sites in Class 4]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 4 boundaries.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultNumberOfSitesClass5
  <![CDATA[Required for nitrite in groundwater only.

The Class 5 boundaries for the individual determinands are defined as follows:
- Ammonium - not relevant, keep blank
- Dissolved Oxygen - not relevant, keep blank
- Nitrate - not relevant, keep blank
- Nitrite > 0.1 mg/l]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sites in Class 5]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 5 boundaries.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultObservationStatus
  <![CDATA[- Use the 'A' observation status flag to confirm that the given record is correct. It is not necessary to apply this flag for all valid records. It is intended for confirmation of extremely high or low values or for other special cases where confirmation is needed or is relevant.

The following four codes ('O', 'M', 'L', 'N') are applicable to missing or zero values:

- Use the 'O' observation status flag if the value is missing and no further information is available as to the reason why. Use it also to identify previously reported records that should be deleted.

- Use the 'M' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data cannot exist (e.g. the value can't be reported due to a missing observed value source in the respective spatial unit).

- Use the 'L' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data was not collected.

- Use the 'N' observation status flag if the value is missing because it isn't relevant or significant. 

Three codes ('W', 'X' and 'Y') describe situations where the specific source categories do not follow the standard definition:

- Use the 'W' observation status flag if the observed value for a specific source category is missing because the data is reported under other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories.

- Use the 'X' observation status flag if the reported value for a specific source category includes data from other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories represented by the reported value.

- Use the 'Y' observation status flag if the definition of a specific source category does not exactly match the standard definition, because it includes also other sources not belonging to the specific category. Use the "Remarks" field to provide additional information on the other sources.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Observation status flag]]>
  <![CDATA[Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration A
enumeration L
enumeration M
enumeration N
enumeration O
enumeration W
enumeration X
enumeration Y
Used by
[ top ]
Element Remarks
  <![CDATA[This field can be used to provide additional information about the record.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 255
Used by
[ top ]
Element BiologyEQRData
  <![CDATA[water quality]]>
  <![CDATA[Annual biology EQR data by monitoring site]]>
  <![CDATA[Annually aggregated biological ecological quality ratio (EQR) data from rivers and lakes, by monitoring site.]]>
  <![CDATA[Annually aggregated biological ecological quality ratio (EQR) data from rivers and lakes, by monitoring site.]]>
  <![CDATA[Biological data should be reported as national Ecological Quality Ratios (EQR) that are specific for an impact type (eutrophication, acidification, etc.). Please report only one type of national EQR for each Biological Quality Element (BQE) and impact type. Normalised EQR values can be reported.

Each record in this table must have a unique combination of the values in the fields "monitoringSiteIdentifier", "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme”, "observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode" and "phenomenonTimeReferenceYear".

The monitoring site is uniquely identified by combination of values in the fields "monitoringSiteIdentifier" and "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme". 
The monitoring site identifier should be present in the list of monitoring sites ( that is kept updated with the data reported under the WISE Spatial Data and/or the WFD 2016 Spatial data flows.

If it is not possible to report only one national EQR value for a determinand (BQE and impact type) – e.g. if there is more than one index – then it is recommended to instead combine the indices and report the normalised EQR value for the BQE and impact type.

If it is not possible to report the national EQR or the normalised EQR values, then report the status class. However, these data may not be used in all assessments (e.g. time series analyses).

Classification systems for the different national EQRs can depend on water body type, therefore the field "parameterNCSWaterBodyType" must always be filled in. Intercalibration water body types are preferred. Where applicable, the intercalibration water body type should be reported in the BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure table in the field "parameterWFDIntercalibrationWaterBodyType”.

The value "parameterNCSWaterBodyType" reported in this table must be identical to a value "parameterNCSWaterBodyType" reported in the table BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure.]]>
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#BiologyEQRData_Row
content complex
Used by
Children Row
<BiologyEQRData xmlns="">
  <Row status="">{1,unbounded}</Row>
[ top ]
Element BiologyEQRData / Row
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#BiologyEQRData_BiologyEQRData_Row_status wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_814_monitoringSiteIdentifier wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_814_monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_814_parameterWaterBodyCategory wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterNCSWaterBodyType wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_814_phenomenonTimeReferenceYear wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_814_parameterSamplingPeriod wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultEcologicalStatusClassValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_814_resultNumberOfSamples wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultEQRValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#resultNormalisedEQRValue wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_814_resultObservationStatus wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_814_Remarks
content complex
minOccurs 1
maxOccurs unbounded
Children Remarks, monitoringSiteIdentifier, monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme, observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode, parameterNCSWaterBodyType, parameterSamplingPeriod, parameterWaterBodyCategory, phenomenonTimeReferenceYear, resultEQRValue, resultEcologicalStatusClassValue, resultNormalisedEQRValue, resultNumberOfSamples, resultObservationStatus
<Row status="" xmlns="" xmlns:dd814="">
QName Type Use
status xs:string optional
[ top ]
Element monitoringSiteIdentifier
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the site was reported as a WFD monitoring site, enter the WFD identifier of the site.

If the site was reported as an EIONET monitoring site, enter the EIONET international identifier of the site.

The "monitoringSiteIdentifier" is a unique value in the list of monitoring sites for a given "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme". For each "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme" value, a list of valid "monitoringSiteIdentifier" values will be kept updated, based on the information reported under the WISE Spatial data flow.

First 2 characters must be the 2-alpha character ISO country code (use 'EL' for Greece and 'UK' for the United Kingdom).

Do not use characters with accents and other diacritical marks (national characters). Do not use spaces or other spatial characters. The hyphen '-' and the underscore '_' characters are allowed.

An EIONET identifier can be created by prefixing the national site identifier with the 2-alpha character ISO country code.
Example: country: Austria, national station identifier : ST_123 => "monitoringSiteIdentifier": ATST_123

Please guarantee that the "monitoringSiteIdentifier" is unique and exists in the applicable "monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme".]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Monitoring site identifier]]>
  <![CDATA[Unique international identifier of the monitoring site in which the data were obtained.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 3
maxLength 42
Used by
[ top ]
Element monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

If the monitoring site is reported under WFD, use the value 'euMonitoringSiteCode' for the "MonitoringSiteIdentifierScheme" field.

If the monitoring site is NOT reported under WFD (e.g. non-EU countries reporting under WISE SoE only, or countries providing information about monitoring sites that are not WFD monitoring sites), use the value 'eionetMonitoringSiteCode' for the "MonitoringSiteIdentifierScheme" field.

For each identifier scheme, a list of valid "MonitoringSiteIdentifier" values will be kept updated, based on the information reported under the WISE Spatial data flow.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Monitoring site identifier scheme ]]>
  <![CDATA[Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode').]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration eionetMonitoringSiteCode
enumeration euMonitoringSiteCode
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterWaterBodyCategory
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code, as defined in the codelist.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration CW
enumeration GW
enumeration LW
enumeration RW
enumeration TeW
enumeration TW
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterNCSWaterBodyType
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body type in the National Classification System]]>
  <![CDATA[Type of water body as defined by the member state.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 1
maxLength 50
Used by
[ top ]
Element observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode
  <![CDATA[This is value is required.

The codelist contains all determinands relating to biological metrics. The determinand name must be unique for each record reported per station and year, and must therefore be both BQE-specific and impact-specific (because different EQR values based on the same BQE may be reported for different impacts).]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Determinand code for biology data (Impact-specific BQE)]]>
  <![CDATA[Impact-specific determinand name for biological metrics, as defined in the codelist.
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration EEA_11-01-8
enumeration EEA_11-02-9
enumeration EEA_11-03-0
enumeration EEA_11-04-1
enumeration EEA_11-08-5
enumeration EEA_121-01-7
enumeration EEA_122-02-1
enumeration EEA_123-01-3
enumeration EEA_123-02-4
enumeration EEA_123-03-5
enumeration EEA_123-04-6
enumeration EEA_124-01-6
enumeration EEA_124-02-7
enumeration EEA_124-03-8
enumeration EEA_124-04-9
enumeration EEA_13-01-4
enumeration EEA_13-02-5
enumeration EEA_13-03-6
enumeration EEA_13-04-7
enumeration EEA_13-05-8
enumeration EEA_14-05-1
Used by
[ top ]
Element phenomenonTimeReferenceYear
  <![CDATA[This is a required, not null field.

Use the format YYYY.

Please check the EEA data collection request for the latest acceptable reference year.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Reference period (year)]]>
  <![CDATA[Reference year for annually aggregated data.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 4
minInclusive 1800
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterSamplingPeriod
  <![CDATA[Use the format YYYY-MM-DD--YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM--YYYY-MM (if the days are not exactly known or are not relevant).

If the the input data have been sampled during the entire year or is representative of the entire year, use the format YYYY-01-01--YYYY-12-31.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Sampling period]]>
  <![CDATA[The period of the year during which the data used for the aggregation were sampled.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 22
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultEcologicalStatusClassValue
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Ecological status class]]>
  <![CDATA[Ecological status class (or ecological potential class, for artificial and heavily modified water bodies) assessed on the basis of the reported biological determinand.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration B
enumeration G
enumeration GEP
enumeration H
enumeration M
enumeration MaxEP
enumeration MPB
enumeration P
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultNumberOfSamples
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of samples]]>
  <![CDATA[Number of sample values included in the aggregated data.]]>
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
totalDigits 5
minInclusive 1
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultEQRValue
  <![CDATA[The EQR is usually calculated dividing the mean value of the biological metric by the reference value of that metric established for the water body type in the national classification system. Different methods can be used depending on the metric and the country.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Ecological quality ratio value]]>
  <![CDATA[Mean value of the biological metric converted to the national Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) scale.]]>
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultNormalisedEQRValue
  <![CDATA[The normalised EQR classes are equally spaced:
- the boundary value between bad and poor status is 0.2, 
- the boundary value between poor and moderate status is 0.4, 
- the boundary value between moderate and good status is 0.6, 
- the boundary value between good and high status is 0.8.

Within each class, the normalised EQR value is calculated by linearly rescaling the boundary values of the national classification system to the normalised EQR classes.

(link to the picture in the CDR help)]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Normalised ecological quality ratio value]]>
  <![CDATA[Mean value of metric converted to normalised EQR scale (Ecological Quality Ratio).]]>
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
maxInclusive 1
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultObservationStatus
  <![CDATA[- Use the 'A' observation status flag to confirm that the given record is correct. It is not necessary to apply this flag for all valid records. It is intended for confirmation of extremely high or low values or for other special cases where confirmation is needed or is relevant.

The following four codes ('O', 'M', 'L', 'N') are applicable to missing or zero values:

- Use the 'O' observation status flag if the value is missing and no further information is available as to the reason why. Use it also to identify previously reported records that should be deleted.

- Use the 'M' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data cannot exist (e.g. the value can't be reported due to a missing observed value source in the respective spatial unit).

- Use the 'L' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data was not collected.

- Use the 'N' observation status flag if the value is missing because it isn't relevant or significant. 

Three codes ('W', 'X' and 'Y') describe situations where the specific source categories do not follow the standard definition:

- Use the 'W' observation status flag if the observed value for a specific source category is missing because the data is reported under other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories.

- Use the 'X' observation status flag if the reported value for a specific source category includes data from other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories represented by the reported value.

- Use the 'Y' observation status flag if the definition of a specific source category does not exactly match the standard definition, because it includes also other sources not belonging to the specific category. Use the "Remarks" field to provide additional information on the other sources.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Observation status flag]]>
  <![CDATA[Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration A
enumeration L
enumeration M
enumeration N
enumeration O
enumeration W
enumeration X
enumeration Y
Used by
[ top ]
Element Remarks
  <![CDATA[This field can be used to provide additional information about the record.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 255
Used by
[ top ]
Element BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure
  <![CDATA[water quality]]>
  <![CDATA[Classification procedure for ecological status or potential status based on biology EQR data]]>
  <![CDATA[Information on national classification system for each biological determinand and waterbody type, including the boundaries of ecological status classes (and of ecological potential classes, for artificial or heavily modified waterbodies). This table is valid for biological EQR data only.]]>
  <![CDATA[Classification procedure for ecological status or potential status based on biology EQR data]]>
  <![CDATA[Class boundaries for the national classification system should be reported using the national EQR (Ecological Quality Ratio) values.

Each record in this table must have a unique combination of the values in the fields "CountryCode", "parameterWaterBodyCategory", "observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode" and "parameterNCSWaterBodyType".

Please see the descriptive image below on the "Reporting of biological metric values and class boundaries in EQR scale".

For artificial waterbodies and highly modified waterbodies, the information given on class boundaries will represent ecological potential instead of ecological status. 

Classification systems for the different national EQRs can depend on water body type, therefore the field "parameterNCSWaterBodyType" should always be filled in. Intercalibration water body types are preferred, but in cases where this is not possible, other national water body types can be reported instead. Where applicable, the intercalibration water body type should be reported in the field "parameterWFDIntercalibrationWaterBodyType".

Each "parameterNCSWaterBodyType" value reported in this table must be identical to one or more "parameterNCSWaterBodyType" values reported in the table BiologyEQRData.]]>
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure_Row
content complex
Used by
Children Row
<BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure xmlns="">
  <Row status="">{1,unbounded}</Row>
[ top ]
Element BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure / Row
Diagram wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure_BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure_Row_status wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#CountryCode wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_815_observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_815_parameterWaterBodyCategory wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_815_parameterNCSWaterBodyType wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterWFDIntercalibrationWaterBodyType wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterNaturalAWBHMWB wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterICStatusOfDeterminandBiologyEQR wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterBoundaryValueClasses12 wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterBoundaryValueClasses23 wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterBoundaryValueClasses34 wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#parameterBoundaryValueClasses45 wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#procedureBiologicalAnalyticalMethodDescription wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_815_resultObservationStatus wise-soe-water-quality-wise-4.tmp#http___dd.eionet.europa.eu_namespace.jsp_ns_id_815_Remarks
content complex
minOccurs 1
maxOccurs unbounded
Children CountryCode, Remarks, observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode, parameterBoundaryValueClasses12, parameterBoundaryValueClasses23, parameterBoundaryValueClasses34, parameterBoundaryValueClasses45, parameterICStatusOfDeterminandBiologyEQR, parameterNCSWaterBodyType, parameterNaturalAWBHMWB, parameterWFDIntercalibrationWaterBodyType, parameterWaterBodyCategory, procedureBiologicalAnalyticalMethodDescription, resultObservationStatus
<Row status="" xmlns="" xmlns:dd815="">
QName Type Use
status xs:string optional
[ top ]
Element CountryCode
  <![CDATA[This is a required, not null field.
ISO 3166-alpha-2 code elements.]]>
  <![CDATA[Country Code]]>
  <![CDATA[Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country, as defined in the codelist.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration AL
enumeration AT
enumeration BA
enumeration BE
enumeration BG
enumeration CH
enumeration CY
enumeration CZ
enumeration DE
enumeration DK
enumeration DZ
enumeration EE
enumeration EG
enumeration ES
enumeration FI
enumeration FR
enumeration GB
enumeration GR
enumeration HR
enumeration HU
enumeration IE
enumeration IL
enumeration IS
enumeration IT
enumeration JO
enumeration LB
enumeration LI
enumeration LT
enumeration LU
enumeration LV
enumeration MA
enumeration ME
enumeration MK
enumeration MT
enumeration NL
enumeration NO
enumeration PL
enumeration PS
enumeration PT
enumeration RO
enumeration RS
enumeration SE
enumeration SI
enumeration SK
enumeration TN
enumeration TR
enumeration XK
Used by
[ top ]
Element observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode
  <![CDATA[This is value is required.

The codelist contains all determinands relating to biological metrics. The determinand name must be unique for each record reported per station and year, and must therefore be both BQE-specific and impact-specific (because different EQR values based on the same BQE may be reported for different impacts).]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Determinand code for biology data (Impact-specific BQE)]]>
  <![CDATA[Impact-specific determinand name for biological metrics, as defined in the codelist.
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration EEA_11-01-8
enumeration EEA_11-02-9
enumeration EEA_11-03-0
enumeration EEA_11-04-1
enumeration EEA_11-08-5
enumeration EEA_121-01-7
enumeration EEA_122-02-1
enumeration EEA_123-01-3
enumeration EEA_123-02-4
enumeration EEA_123-03-5
enumeration EEA_123-04-6
enumeration EEA_124-01-6
enumeration EEA_124-02-7
enumeration EEA_124-03-8
enumeration EEA_124-04-9
enumeration EEA_13-01-4
enumeration EEA_13-02-5
enumeration EEA_13-03-6
enumeration EEA_13-04-7
enumeration EEA_13-05-8
enumeration EEA_14-05-1
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterWaterBodyCategory
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body category code, as defined in the codelist.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration CW
enumeration GW
enumeration LW
enumeration RW
enumeration TeW
enumeration TW
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterNCSWaterBodyType
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body type in the National Classification System]]>
  <![CDATA[Type of water body as defined by the member state.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 1
maxLength 50
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterWFDIntercalibrationWaterBodyType
  <![CDATA[This value is required.]]>
  <![CDATA[Administrative attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Water body type code in the WFD Intercalibration System]]>
  <![CDATA[Type of water body as defined by the WFD Intercalibration process.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration CW-BC1
enumeration CW-BC3
enumeration CW-BC4
enumeration CW-BC5
enumeration CW-BC6
enumeration CW-BC7
enumeration CW-BC8
enumeration CW-BC9
enumeration CW-BL1
enumeration CW-NEA10
enumeration CW-NEA3/4
enumeration CW-NEA7
enumeration CW-NEA8a
enumeration CW-NEA8b
enumeration CW-NEA9
enumeration CW-Type_I
enumeration CW-Type_IIA
enumeration CW-Type_IIA_Adriatic
enumeration CW-Type_IIIE
enumeration CW-Type_IIIW
enumeration CW-Type_Island-W
enumeration LW-EC1
enumeration LW-L-AL3
enumeration LW-L-AL4
enumeration LW-L-CB1
enumeration LW-L-CB2
enumeration LW-L-CB3
enumeration LW-L-M1
enumeration LW-L-M5/7
enumeration LW-L-M8
enumeration LW-L-N1
enumeration LW-L-N2a
enumeration LW-L-N2b
enumeration LW-L-N3a
enumeration LW-L-N3b
enumeration LW-L-N5
enumeration LW-L-N6a
enumeration LW-L-N6b
enumeration LW-L-N7
enumeration LW-L-N8a
enumeration LW-L-N8b
enumeration LW-L-N-BF1
enumeration LW-L-N-BF2
enumeration LW-L-N-F1
enumeration LW-L-N-F2
enumeration LW-L-N-M 101
enumeration LW-L-N-M 102
enumeration LW-L-N-M 201
enumeration LW-L-N-M 202
enumeration LW-L-N-M 301a
enumeration LW-L-N-M 302a
enumeration RW-R-A1
enumeration RW-R-A2
enumeration RW-R-C1
enumeration RW-R-C2
enumeration RW-R-C3
enumeration RW-R-C4
enumeration RW-R-C5
enumeration RW-R-C6
enumeration RW-R-E1
enumeration RW-R-E2
enumeration RW-R-E3
enumeration RW-R-E4
enumeration RW-R-EX4
enumeration RW-R-EX5
enumeration RW-R-EX6
enumeration RW-R-EX7
enumeration RW-R-EX8
enumeration RW-R-L1
enumeration RW-R-L2
enumeration RW-R-M1
enumeration RW-R-M2
enumeration RW-R-M3
enumeration RW-R-M4
enumeration RW-R-M5
enumeration RW-R-N1
enumeration RW-R-N2
enumeration RW-R-N3
enumeration RW-R-N4
enumeration RW-R-N5
enumeration RW-R-N7
enumeration RW-R-N9
enumeration TW-BT1
enumeration TW-CoastalLagoonsMesohaline
enumeration TW-CoastalLagoonsOligohaline
enumeration TW-CoastalLagoonsPolyeuhaline
enumeration TW-Estuaries
enumeration TW-NEA11
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterNaturalAWBHMWB
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Natural, artificial or heavily modified water body]]>
  <![CDATA[Specification of whether a water body is identified as natural, artificial (AWB) or heavily modified (HMWB). AWBs are surface water bodies which have been created in a location where no water body existed before and which have not been created by the direct physical alteration, movement or realignment of an existing water body. HMWB are bodies of water which as a result of physical alterations by human activity are substantially changed in character and cannot, therefore, meet "good ecological status" (GES). In this context physical alterations mean changes to e.g. the size, slope, discharge, form and shape of river bed of a water body.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration AWB
enumeration HMWB
enumeration Natural
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterICStatusOfDeterminandBiologyEQR
  <![CDATA[This is a required, not null field.]]>
  <![CDATA[Intercalibration status of the biological quality element]]>
  <![CDATA[Has the biological determinand been intercalibrated?]]>
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterBoundaryValueClasses12
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

The class boundary should be given at the scale of the national EQR (between 0 and 1).]]>
  <![CDATA[Administrative attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Boundary value between High and Good ecological status or potential classes]]>
  <![CDATA[Boundary between High and Good ecological status or potential classes, for a given biological determinand and water body type.
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
maxExclusive 1
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterBoundaryValueClasses23
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

The class boundary should be given at the scale of the national EQR (between 0 and 1).]]>
  <![CDATA[Administrative attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Boundary value between Good and Moderate ecological status or potential classes]]>
  <![CDATA[Boundary between Good and Moderate ecological status or potential classes, for a given biological determinand and water body type.]]>
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
maxExclusive 1
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterBoundaryValueClasses34
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

The class boundary should be given at the scale of the national EQR (between 0 and 1).]]>
  <![CDATA[Administrative attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Boundary value between Moderate and Poor ecological status or potential classes]]>
  <![CDATA[Boundary between Moderate and Poor ecological status or potential classes, for a given biological determinand and water body type.]]>
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
maxExclusive 1
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element parameterBoundaryValueClasses45
  <![CDATA[This value is required.

The class boundary should be given at the scale of the national EQR (between 0 and 1).]]>
  <![CDATA[Administrative attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Boundary value between Poor and Bad ecological status or potential classes]]>
  <![CDATA[Boundary between Poor and Bad ecological status or potential classes, for a given biological determinand and water body type.]]>
Type restriction of xs:float
content simple
maxExclusive 1
minInclusive 0
Used by
[ top ]
Element procedureBiologicalAnalyticalMethodDescription
  <![CDATA[Description of the biological analytical method]]>
  <![CDATA[Written explanation and/or URL (free text). If possible, use CEN/ISO code (]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 255
Used by
[ top ]
Element resultObservationStatus
  <![CDATA[- Use the 'A' observation status flag to confirm that the given record is correct. It is not necessary to apply this flag for all valid records. It is intended for confirmation of extremely high or low values or for other special cases where confirmation is needed or is relevant.

The following four codes ('O', 'M', 'L', 'N') are applicable to missing or zero values:

- Use the 'O' observation status flag if the value is missing and no further information is available as to the reason why. Use it also to identify previously reported records that should be deleted.

- Use the 'M' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data cannot exist (e.g. the value can't be reported due to a missing observed value source in the respective spatial unit).

- Use the 'L' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data was not collected.

- Use the 'N' observation status flag if the value is missing because it isn't relevant or significant. 

Three codes ('W', 'X' and 'Y') describe situations where the specific source categories do not follow the standard definition:

- Use the 'W' observation status flag if the observed value for a specific source category is missing because the data is reported under other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories.

- Use the 'X' observation status flag if the reported value for a specific source category includes data from other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories represented by the reported value.

- Use the 'Y' observation status flag if the definition of a specific source category does not exactly match the standard definition, because it includes also other sources not belonging to the specific category. Use the "Remarks" field to provide additional information on the other sources.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Observation status flag]]>
  <![CDATA[Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
enumeration A
enumeration L
enumeration M
enumeration N
enumeration O
enumeration W
enumeration X
enumeration Y
Used by
[ top ]
Element Remarks
  <![CDATA[This field can be used to provide additional information about the record.]]>
  <![CDATA[Public attribute]]>
  <![CDATA[Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.]]>
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
minLength 0
maxLength 255
Used by
[ top ]
Attribute DisaggregatedData / Row / @status
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
[ top ]
Attribute AggregatedData / Row / @status
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
[ top ]
Attribute AggregatedDataByWaterBody / Row / @status
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
[ top ]
Attribute BiologyEQRData / Row / @status
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
[ top ]
Attribute BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure / Row / @status
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
[ top ]